Random Races with other EVs

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Staff member
Jul 8, 2015
It occasionally happens that I have another EV next to me at the front of a traffic light stop. We race away to show off the acceleration. I have lost to a BMW 13 and beaten a Ray. Today for the first time I had a three car race. Two Souls and a 1eaf. The Souls won easily. Is this normal? Does the 1eaf have low acceleration or do 1eaf owners not know how to play?
They're very closely matched - if anything, the Leaf is slightly faster. I think you got lucky ;)

For what it's worth, I think that the i3 about the fastest accelerating car that BMW makes up until ~75 kph. Mighty impressive at city speeds.
A similar topic is discussed here http://insideevs.com/whats-the-difference-0-30-mph-chevrolet-spark-ev-vs-nissan-leaf-videos/

Anyone know what the 0-30mph time for the Soul EV is ?
Definitely guilty of this...but I sometimes end up spinning in place due to the "ultra-low drag" wheels that were installed on my car. :oops: