Promoting electric vehicles in Korea
In Jeju, the total cost of owning a Soul EV ($18,720) is 55% lower than the total cost if it was taxed regularly, and 18% cheaper than the gasoline Soul. As shown in the figure below, purchasing and operating a Soul EV is much cheaper in Jeju than in California. The strong government support for EV development attempts to compensate for the price disadvantages of BEVs.
The Cumulative total of EVs on the road in Jeju as of Sep 2016 was 3608. Still more than 50% of all EVs in Korea ~6500.
The 6000 I_oniq Electric to be bought as rental cars will approximately double the EV count.
These numbers for Jeju must be a few months earlier. - http://www.econovill.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=303646
Kia Soul EV 1133, (31.4 %)
Renault Samsung sm3 ZE 1066, (29.55 %)
Hyundai I_oniq Electric 548, (15.19 %)
Kia Ray 312, (8.65 %),
BMW i_3 287, (7.95%)
Nissan L_eaf 149, (4.13 %)
November sales data from - http://news.mtn.co.kr/newscenter/news_viewer.mtn?gidx=2016120910574157825
After a fairly dismal year for EV sales in Korea, sales have picked up a bit in the late two months.
The Kia Soul EV and Samsung SM3 have been selling off old inventory at greatly reduced prices.
The I_oniq EV got a boost from a 6,000 car order from the rental companies.
Totals for the year are now - all EVs 4270
Hyundai I_ONIQ Electric - 2565
Kia Soul EV –708
Renault Samsung SM3 – 533
In November it looks like all the batch of 1000 I oniq Electric rental cars went to Jeju.
The Cumulative total of EVs on the road in Jeju as of End 2016 was 6,521. Now more than 60% of all EVs in Korea 10,855.
The last 3 months saw 3,000 new EVs on the island. Almost all rental cars. http://www.jejuilbo.net/news/articleView.html?idxno=41197
And they are not all I_oniq EVs
The final 2016 sales figures