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Kia Soul EV Forum

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  1. ravichou

    Consistent drops in SOC every time vehicle is turned off and on.

    Hello there, I report the same issue as @A.K. : a SoC (both BMS and displayed, as read on Car Scanner) drop that can reach 6%, usually with the following pattern: I unplug the car at home at 83% (that also changed from 80 to 83% with the latest recall, thanks @JejuSoul for the explanation on...
  2. ravichou

    My Soul EV 2015 story

    Thanks for your reply. Well to be honest I've absolutely no evidence explaining how the gearbox got the issue. I only know that it had it when I bought the car, meaning it was automatically on the seller's warranty (as I bought it from a garage). I then only supposed that a previous owner might...
  3. ravichou

    My Soul EV 2015 story

    Hello there, I am a proud owner of a 2015 Kia Soul EV Ultimate (blue body/white roof), bought in 2023 at 85 kkm, now 100 kkm. I chose that one because: a/ I made my parents buy one in 2021, replacing a Kia Stonic chewming 7L/100 of petrol and which they barely used anyway. Plus they used to...