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Kia Soul EV Forum

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  1. T

    Driving Diary

    About six weeks ago I was really surprised when a 70 mile round trip only used about half of my charge. Since then I've been paying much closer attention to my driving stats. I'm glad that someone else finds it useful! May 18, 2016 Starting GoM Range – 108 miles Starting Charge – 100%...
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    Can I safely charge to 100% with my L2 home charger?

    For what it's worth, "100% charged" isn't actually 100% of the capacity of your battery pack -- at least not when the car is new. There is logic built into the charging system to help limit the impact to the battery pack from charging to max capacity. And while there may be a measurable...
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    What Kia Got Right (And Wrong) With the 2015 Soul EV

    I'm not happy about that either, but scheduling works the exact same on the Leaf and other EVs, too. If there's a compelling reason why, I would like to hear it.
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    Driving Diary

    May 17, 2016 Starting GoM Range – 107 miles Starting Charge – 100% Distance Driven – 39 miles Recorded Efficiency – 4.7 mi/kWh Ending Charge – 71% Ending GoM Range – 73 miles Calculated Efficiency – 1.3 miles/% of charge Calculated Max Range – 134 miles
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    Battery degradation

    The range displayed on your dash is just a calculated estimate, often a fairly conservative one at that. A better point of comparison is your observed efficiency -- how much did that actually decrease as the weather got colder? If you remember (or took any notes) of the typical mi/kWh you...
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    Driving Diary

    May 4, 2016 Starting GoM Range – 100% Starting Charge – 103 miles Distance Driven – 36.0 miles Recorded Efficiency – 5.1 miles/kWh Ending Charge – 74% Ending GoM Range – 73 miles Calculated Efficiency – 1.3 miles/% of charge Calculated Max Range – 133 miles
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    Driving Diary

    May 3, 2016 Starting GoM Range – 102 miles Starting Charge – 100% Distance Driven – 38.5 Recorded Efficiency – 4.8 miles/kWh Ending Charge – 71% Ending GoM Range – 70 miles Calculated Efficiency – 1.3 miles/% of charge Calculated Max Range – 133 miles
  8. T

    Driving Diary

    April 29, 2016 Starting GoM Range – 100 miles Starting Charge – 100% Distance Driven – 38.5 miles Recorded Efficiency – 5.2 mi/kWh Ending Charge – 73% Ending GoM Range – 73 miles Calculated Efficiency – 1.4 miles/% of charge Calculated Max Range – 143 miles
  9. T

    Driving Diary

    April 28, 2016 Starting GoM Range – 100 miles Starting Charge – 100% Distance Driven – 36.5 miles Recorded Efficiency – 5.0 mi/kWh Ending Charge – 73% Ending GoM Range – 73 miles Calculated Efficiency – 1.3 miles/% of charge Calculated Max Range – 126 miles
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    Driving Diary

    As I've mentioned in other posts, I'm surprised at the disconnect between the estimated range displayed on my dash (the Guess-o-Meter) with the real-world range my car is able to deliver. With that in mind, I intend to periodically check in here to compare my range / state of charge /...
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    27,000 miles 86-mile range; my Soul EV commute is over

    The interstate I commute on every day has a 65 mph limit, so I can relate. EVs lose efficiency and range as speeds increase mostly because of aero drag. You can reduce the effects some by slowing down some, but at these speeds it's actually more effective to follow another vehicle instead. The...
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    27,000 miles 86-mile range; my Soul EV commute is over

    Averaging 4.1 is an 11% improvement over 3.7, equating to maybe 8 miles over your commute. Averaging 4.5 mi/kWh might extend your range by 15 miles or more. Based on my own experience over the past two weeks, boosting your average consumption and keeping it there could be easier than you think.
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    27,000 miles 86-mile range; my Soul EV commute is over

    My daily commute is about 38 miles (61 km); about 1/3 is on surface streets and 2/3 is on motorways. When I drive impatiently on the streets and travel at high-speed on the highway, my indicated economy can fall as low as 3.2 mi/kWh (5.1 km/kWh). When I take it easily and drive more slowly on...
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    Comparison of fuel costs for different Kia Soul models.

    Except for Teslas, EV resale values have been terrible in this country too. The good news is that technology is advancing - each new model of EV is substantially improved - but that makes older EVs unattractive to the small segment of buyers who consider buying EVs.
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    Kia Soul EV maintenance schedule

    Thanks for the follow-up!
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    Comparison of fuel costs for different Kia Soul models.

    In the US, EV ownership is expensive largely because the cost to manufacture EVs is more expensive than ICE cars -- it's a function of expensive R&D, expensive battery tech and low production numbers. As battery prices slowly fall and production number ramp up, EVs will become more cost...
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    27,000 miles 86-mile range; my Soul EV commute is over

    I find my GOM to be very conservative - I can drive noticeably farther than it predicts. 82 miles is a long commute!
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    Kia DriveWise: Intelligent safe technology

    I really like the Soul interior in black. Is that a stitched leather dash? Nice!
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    Kia Niro EV to launch later this year

    That's pretty cool. I really like my Soul, but now that I have a household of five I would appreciate the extra utility of a car like this.
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    Hyundai AE (All Electric) to be available before Chevy BOLT

    Very interesting news - thanks for the updates.