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  1. J

    Soul Spy?

    Yes, the max is shown as 54.4% and the min is 0% in both Torque and Soul Spy. As I said, I don't know the number that Kia thinks my battery is. Do we think it's something like 100 minus the max deteriotation? I don't mind helping, but I also don't like to give out to much personal information...
  2. J

    Soul Spy?

    I've discovered Soul Spy only two weeks ago. Yesterday I got an update of the app. The SOH changed from 83% to 45%. I'm getting a new battery at the end of next week. I don't actually know the real SOH, but from the range I've left I wouldn't be surprised if it's actually that low. As far as...
  3. J

    Soul EV (U.K.)

    In the USA the rated EPA range is 93 miles. I can get that in The Netherlands, but it needs not to be very cold or windy or the range goes down. Unless you are only driving at slower speeds like 40 or 50 miles per hour I don't think you will always get that distance. I think the EPA range of...
  4. J

    Welcome to the Kia Soul EV Forum

    No no no, a cardboard box doesn't have aerodynamic hub caps unlike the Soul does. Kia did think about it!
  5. J

    Setting up Torque to show BMS data

    I'm not sure if they are, I just tried it because I saw other PIDs with lower case variables and it worked right away. I hadn't actually tried with the upper case K. I have now added your other codes and they seem to work. Like you said, if you press Eco it will only show "1" for a short time...
  6. J

    Setting up Torque to show BMS data

    I tried it this morning and it seems to work fine. However, you need to use a lower case k. I used this line: 003_VMCU Speed,Speed,2101,k,0,150,km/h,7E2 I forgot to reverse, so I don't know if that works too. I agree that it is the "real" speed and not the speed in the display. When you go...
  7. J

    Range from 100% Charge Dropping

    Sure, I usually check the state of charge instead of the range display.
  8. J

    Setting up Torque to show BMS data

    Thanks! I think the last line should be more like this: 002_OBC_Charging_Power,ChargePower,2102,(val{002_OBC_Charging_Current}*val{002_OBC_Charging_Voltage})/1000,0,7,kW,794
  9. J

    Range from 100% Charge Dropping

    For sure there are places where the difference is much bigger. But even such a "small" difference still will show in the range. What is your typical range in a -40 and a +40 week? Is there a much bigger difference?
  10. J

    Soul Spy?

    I have had this too (even when I didn't had a dongle). I can recreate this very easy. Start the quick charging. Then turn the car on (so you can run the heater or AC). Then stop the quick charging. You'll get the error that a cord is connected. You can prevent this error by either not turning...
  11. J

    Accessory Hitches and Bike Racks

    Even for the "normal" Soul you can have a trailer. They sold so few of those in The Netherlands that they didn't even bother to introduce the second generation Soul with a combustion engine. So it seems strange that they can do the tests for cars that don't sell well but still don't do them on...
  12. J

    Range from 100% Charge Dropping

    You can do that, but my commute can't be done without charging at home and charging at work. So I always have route A-B en route B-A separately. I like to keep this separate too, but you can do manual resetting of the averages. Vancouver has more or less the same climate as The Netherlands...
  13. J

    Accessory Hitches and Bike Racks

    I don't think you understand what I meant. I know that in Europe the Kia Soul EV is not cleared for a trailer so you can't have one anywhere, including France. But you are saying no electric or plugin is allowed to have a trailer in France at all. What I am saying is that for example the...
  14. J

    Accessory Hitches and Bike Racks

    I don't think France can say that. If a vehicle is allowed to have a trailer in an EU-country then it is allowed everywhere. There are several plugin hybrids that are allowed to tow a trailer in the EU..
  15. J

    Setting up Torque to show BMS data

    I've got Torque Pro working now and I get some nice values. However, there are more that I would like. For example, the "Battery Power/Energy Draw" widget will show the entire consumption (or regenerating) combined. So when you are not driving it might show 2kW energy being used because the...
  16. J

    Range from 100% Charge Dropping

    I'm not really sure I understand your question. My experience is that the estimates range will drop quicker than it will go up. E.g. it takes a few (one?) really inefficient drive for the range to go down. But it'll take quite some more efficient drives to get it back to the starting point...
  17. J

    Costs to charge Soul EV in DWP Los Angeles

    The most I ever loaded into my Kia in one go is 28,1 kWh. Well, that's not true, but I don't have a record of the This was from 10% charge untill 100% charge. Actually it also included some pre-heating in the morning, but that was probably around 1 kWh. The charging was done at the maximum it...
  18. J

    Soul Spy?

    and My phone is connected to the Soul. This did not seem to matter before, so I don't think that is the problem per se. Perhaps the phone doesn't like to connect to multiple devices in a short period of time? I think that shouldn't matter, but I don't know. I did manage to get everything...
  19. J

    Soul Spy?

    and Unfortunately restarting my phone has not resulted in a new connection with the dongle. As far as I know I could use the button on the dongle to turn it on or off. When I pressed it I saw the blue light of the BT connection light up and then I could connect. When I pressed again the blue...
  20. J

    Soul Spy?

    I still have the same range as I had 4 months ago. However, the range of this car is less than the demo car I drove. That's right. Is that normal? I didn't brake very much and it would be around 1.5 km range (when you calculate with 5 km per kWh or 20 kWh per 100 km). So that seems OK, I...