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  1. G

    Soul EV Spy Questions and Answers

    I am not an expert but I took a drive a while ago and simply set things up, left my phone connected, did my journey, then when I got home downloaded the CSV file from my phone (Android) and the whole trip was recorded. LOADS of information including lat/long. I could see where I was regenning...
  2. G

    City and Cruise type chargers?

    Charging rates are always estimates but there are several factors at play and the manufacturers seem to try and "average things" sometimes I feel because they cannot know exactly what you are using and their capabilities. Level 1 is about 12A, level 2 can be 30A or 40A it seems. The onboard...
  3. G

    Soul EV Spy Questions and Answers

    Answering my own question! If you have another app using bluetooth it seems to get confused, especially if the other app is auto-connect. In my case it was Torque and it was essentially blocking the Soul EV Spy connection. Once I Quit the other app (no, I was technically not running it but it...
  4. G

    Soul EV Spy Questions and Answers

    A wrinkle in using Soul EV Spy? Hope someone has an answer to this issue. I plugged everything in as normal and tried to connect but it went into a loop of connect/disconnecting. Tried it two days running with the same result.
  5. G

    Latest Free Map Upgrade

    Great information 2020SoulEV. I took my car in for changing tires to All Weather on Nov 19 and while it was there I was told it would get 2 software updates. When they checked they found one was already done so it may well be the one or part of the one that came with my map updating...
  6. G

    Pre-heating cabin in winter without charging

    Thanks Soulman. I have set the car to Winter Mode and I read it only kicks in at -10 (I think) and the battery actually prefers cooler weather. The main drop re. range seems to be the use of cabin heat. I sometimes pre-heat the car with it plugged in and the charging light comes on when I do...
  7. G

    Pre-heating cabin in winter without charging

    Thanks for the posting ksoul2084 Interesting that it pre-warms your battery. I checked once and that was not the case maybe because it did not need to, but I will certainly try again when it gets below freezing. I looked around and ye you are rights, it seems it is mainly charging that does...
  8. G

    Pre-heating cabin in winter without charging

    So I can set charging times and climate times but I was hoping I could just select to keep the battery warm all the time. It seems the only way to it is to tell it to keep the whole car warm My goal was to keep only the battery warm so as to keep it healthy. I checked the temperature in the...
  9. G

    2020 64kWh in Ontario - at last!

    Great about the trade in value. Hope the same happens for me. Re. the cold: - I have noticed a drop already - I will work out percentages at the end of November so it is more realistic, but I was above 460km and I am now much nearer 400km - I keep good notes - I am changing to Nokian All...
  10. G

    Latest Free Map Upgrade

    KIa informed me that the 2020 EV qualifies for 2 map update per year for 10 yrs from the date of purchase - great news. Plus you could download the updates, add to a USB key and install yourself - again great news. My experience: - I will try to keep it short (honest) - make sure you opt for...
  11. G

    Soul EV Spy Questions and Answers

    Understand your dilemma Neel! I went through a similar process when I looked for one but luckily picked a good one right away. You can actually buy them directly from Konnwei BTW and I am pretty sure they would work. I found out AFTER I got the one from eBay. I thought they would not sell to...
  12. G

    Soul EV Spy Questions and Answers

    This one DOES work perfectly (not sure how you define this but I get all the screens with data) - my Soul is a 2020 64kW but the app was designed for earlier Souls initially. It is still being developed remember.
  13. G

    Pre-heating cabin in winter without charging

    Thanks ksoul2084. I will try it in the next few days
  14. G

    2020 64kWh in Ontario - at last!

    Great bluelines1974! They are amazing vehicles. I am keeping detailed notes about charging and efficiencies and I am saving about $100 a month on "fuel" (my last ICE car was about $110 a month) , and it costs around 1c per km by charging at the lowest rate (0.065 per kW) . I suspect that...
  15. G

    Pre-heating cabin in winter without charging

    I have found comments about earlier models but wondered if anyone has tried making the 2020 car warm using a connected charger cable but without charging. I do not need to charge every night and it would be nice to just leave it plugged every night to keep it "ready" for any cold season driving...
  16. G

    GPS locations are not preserved

    It is an SW software update. This is the number I have now: SK3EV.CAN.55W_M.V001.00.190508 You probably have SK3EV.CAN.55W_M.V001.001.190130 and that needs an update - takes about 20 mins if I remember correctly. Mine was done at Orangeville Kia (Ontario) and I think the man who did it was...
  17. G

    Soul EV Spy Questions and Answers

    It is hard to say if it is the "correct" one because so many companies sell them. It certainy looks like mine. I did contact the makers (Konnwei) and they told me they would sell individual ones but by the time they replied I had already ordered one from elsewhere so I never got a price . This...
  18. G

    Soul EV Spy Questions and Answers

    The app does not necessarily work with all ELM327 dongles - the one I use is Konnwei KW902 and that is the one the developer is using. Other people have used other dongles successfully - maybe they could mention them here? The way I use Soul EV Spy is like number 1) a) plug OBD in (turn on if...
  19. G

    Soul Spy?

    Neel, please ask this question at this link, which was set up for this kind of question: Just copy and paste.
  20. G

    Soul EV Spy Questions and Answers

    This new area is for newbies, early users and advanced users to ask questions and get answers about using Soul EV Spy. The app has two versions. Soul EV Spy Lite: Free app: - Reads data from car, displays most of the data...