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  1. G

    Soul Spy?

    Thanks once more for your input langemand. I will try to setup a new topic as suggested but note I am not an "expert" in this forum so I may make mistakes. I will not mind being corrected!
  2. G

    Soul Spy?

    Thanks for taking on the HUGE task langemand. I have bought the paid version for the exact reason that you mentioned and hope it helps. On the cell voltage screen it shows 4 temperatures. Does that mean that the total number of cells are in 4 banks? Ideally I assume the temps should be the...
  3. G

    Soul Spy?

    Curiously in my 2020 Soul 64kWh the time has not been affected. I double checked and the time is set by the GPS. I have the option of setting it manually in my car.
  4. G

    Soul Spy?

    For those looking for the "right" dongles, this dongle works for me...
  5. G

    Soul Spy?

    0.1.1-4527 Kia Soul EV 2020 64kWh OOOPS - done and it works!! LOTS more data. Thank you for sorting me out! Tried Torque but did not go far. KNDJ33 - enough? Will send it next Thanks againlangemand - your work is very much appreciated.
  6. G

    Soul Spy?

    Thanks notfred. I made sure I had the right app and I plugged in OBD2 device - turned it on(it has a button) Then turned car on fully, turned on app and activated BT - it connected and so I checked each screen and very few had anything. So I drove around and checked again. Nothing really...
  7. G

    Soul Spy?

    My apologies for posting my questions here but I am not sure where else to post with "beginner" questions. I have just got a Konnwei KW902 BT 3.0 and currently have SoulEVspy Ver 0.1.1-4527 loaded on a Samsung S7 Edge. I note that the KW902 mentioned talks about Ver 1.5 but does that mean BT...
  8. G

    Soul Spy?

    I agree the price may do better at $9.99 (silly really but that's how things work) and yes it is well worth it. I am twiddling my thumbs waiting for my OBD bluetooth device but can hardly wait to try it out. I will happily join in the conversation about features but sorry I can't add anything...
  9. G

    Roof rack revisited

    Know the feeling re. the door frame and chips zacmobile. So on my last car (not a Soul) I bought a thin sheet of strong flexible plastic and cut shapes to fit round the edges beneath all the areas where I had concerns. They worked very well - no chips or scratches at all - and when Thule comes...
  10. G

    Soul Spy?

    Thanks Oinq, but I have already ordered the Konnwei 902 that was recommended. However it is nice to see some proof that others work and since I am a "digital and electronic tinkerer" I may well buy others later.
  11. G

    Soul Spy?

    Understand completely langemand. I think I have found one that looks like a "genuine" 902 with no added name - they may have done it to get seen first on Amazon! I will read all the postings again then make a decision what to do. Appreciate your help and hopefully I will be able to repay you...
  12. G

    Soul Spy?

    Thanks again langemand. I will order a 902 then and check the pins which I think is the source problem of "bad ones". Searching on it seems some Konnwei KW902s have another name in front of them, e.g. KKmoon KONNWEI KW902 - would you advise steering clear of them?
  13. G

    Soul Spy?

    I just found out the Konnwei 902 I was thinking of buying is no longer available from Amazon (which has good return policies if it was a bad one) so I am wondering if an ELM327 Bluetooth Wireless OBDII might do? It seems the Konnwei is based on the ELM327 which is why I am asking. I may be...
  14. G

    Soul Spy?

    Thanks for the quick reply langemand and I am delighted to hear the 2020 will be getting more attention. I may wait to see if anyone has used the Bluetooth 3. I did search for other versions and came across a BT 1.5 which maybe the one you have. I am wondering if the BT version would be...
  15. G

    Soul Spy?

    I realize that at the moment the focus for SoulSpy is not on my model (2020 64kWh) but I am thinking ahead and would like to get a dongle that "is likely to work". I have read through the postings and the one that seems to be mentioned a lot is KONNWEI KW902 Mini Bluetooth 3.0 Wireless OBD-II...
  16. G

    City and Cruise type chargers?

    Solved! David LeBlanc on Facebook solved it for me - City is the general model name for the smaller capacity battery (39.2kWh) and Cruise is the name for the 64kWh version. Nothing to do with chargers really where I first really noticed it. Odd that they would not have put the explanation...
  17. G

    Roof rack revisited

    I just looked around and the Thule KIT1820 looks promising. Looking at the roof on my 2020 there is a very strong "lip" where the rails would fit. The rail area is recessed. The kit has distinct ledges on the rubber foot it seems and that may provide a good anchor for the usual pull-down...
  18. G

    Roof rack revisited

    I have a 2020 Limited version and there are no roof rails. Yes it is just a strip of plastic where they would fit and I think I read that adding them is not an easy task indeed may be impossible due the lack of anchoring points? I feel the picture is for a different market. I did get a list of...
  19. G

    City and Cruise type chargers?

    Can anyone explain the difference between City and Cruise type chargers? They show up in the Soul EV 2020 manual in several places and seem to affect even when the warnings of low battery show up, but there is no explanation (or I have missed it). Thoughts?
  20. G

    2020 64kWh in Ontario - at last!

    Yikes ! Hope they are willing to help you out - maybe make a deal with a Hyundai dealership nearby if they don't like parting with the software on the USB key? Or is that not possible either?