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Kia Soul EV Forum

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  1. P

    Transmission Failure

    We just got the news that the transmission in our 2016 Soul Ev has failed. The indications were a substantial leak and a clunking when the wheels were turned. The quote for replacement is $5236 parts + $1900 labor + tax. We learned of this when taking it in for a brake issue. (Another ~$700...
  2. P

    Battery Replacement #2 (and rental car fiasco)

    I'm writing to share the following information about the second battery replacement for our 2016 Kia Soul EV. The first one was long but went well and the delay was understandable given that it was in the early months of the pandemic when manufacturing and shipping were disrupted. And the first...
  3. P

    Battery Replacement Summary

    I'm writing to share the largely positive experience of having a battery that started getting weaker, and it was trending worse, when Kia agreed to replace the battery. My 2016 car now has range that looks as good as new (or better?) - just over 100 miles. We started getting concerned last...