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Am still collecting reports of SOH, measured by Kia while the car is being serviced.

There's a new one from Norway.

First and only case of noticeable battery deterioration.

A car in California. SOH = 91.2%, odo = 56,000 km, age 1 year -  Re: Just Joined - Here's My EV Story

A car in Seoul Korea. SOH = 100%, odo = 25,000 km, age 1 year - 쏘울 EV 25,000km 주행기념, 배터리 열화도 체크결과 - Good !!

A car in Holland. SOH = 96.4%, odo = 40,000 km, age 2 years - Re: SOH change

A car in Norway. SOH = 100%, odo = 25,736 km, age 16 months - Re: Battery Ageing Model

A car in Germany. SOH = 96.2%, odo = 34,000 km, age ?? - SOH (Gesundheitsstatus) nach 34'000 Km

My car in Jeju Korea. SOH = 100%, odo = 20,500 km, age 15 months - Re: Driving Diary

A car in Sweden. SOH = 99.2%, odo = 45,267 km, age 17 months - SOH change

Same car in Sweden. SOH = 99.5%, odo = 48,978 km, age 18 months - SOH change

A second car in Norway. SOH = 97.3%, odo = 45,000 km, age 25 months - Reduced battery capacity
