There's a YouTube video here
In the video at 1 min 03secs they state - the Soul EV battery has the highest energy density of any EV battery pack.
There's also a write up on the DIY Electric Car Forum - Tesla Powered Cobra Race Car
There's a YouTube video here
In the video at 1 min 03secs they state - the Soul EV battery has the highest energy density of any EV battery pack.
There's also a write up on the DIY Electric Car Forum - Tesla Powered Cobra Race Car
We chose the Kia Soul EV as the battery pack donor largely based on DOE test reports which showed it as one of the few OEM packs capable of putting out over 300kW for sustained length of time. It is also one of the lightest packs available. The 30 kw-hr pack (27 usable) only weighs 400 pounds. We purchase what was probably the first Kia Soul EV that was written off, and hauled it across North America! It was fully functional vehicle which allowed us to do some reverse engineering of the CAN bus. We are able to utilize the factory charger for both regular and ChaDeMo charging and obtain cell temperature and voltage data from the BMS. We will be limited in the duration of our runs due to the pack size, but we didn't want to double up on the pack before we even had any real world test data.