Level 2 Charger Recommendations?

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Well-known member
May 3, 2016
Hi all,

It turns out I can install a real Level 2 charger in my garage. I have plenty of space on a 125v subpanel to run it from. So I'm figuring a nice 40a unit is what I'm looking for. I'd love to hear what you all might recommend. I'm hoping to keep the cost close to the $500 I will get as a rebate from LADWP but would go over that if there's a strong reason.

Home Depot has this Siemens:

On the Kia Soul EV Facebook group, someone recommended this Juice Box:

People also like Clipper Creek for $100 more:

What do you all think?
My vote is for the OpenEVSE. https://store.openevse.com/

You have to be handy and not be afraid of 240v. But for around $500 you get a unit with the features of a $2k unit.

I bought mine with no rebate, and don't regret a thing.
cmiller82 said:
My vote is for the OpenEVSE. https://store.openevse.com/

You have to be handy and not be afraid of 240v. But for around $500 you get a unit with the features of a $2k unit.

I bought mine with no rebate, and don't regret a thing.

I second this. I've been using my for about a year, and it's an excellent unit. Much better than most of the off-the-shelf units. I installed a "stove plug" (Nema 14-50), and if you remove the unused neutral lug, you can plug the unit into either dryer or stove outlets, and adjust the current draw accordingly. Very useful for destination charging where you might have access to a 240v outlet, but no EVSE. The unit is small (about the size of a small shoebox) and lightweight, so it is also very portable.