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Kia Soul EV Forum

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My wife and I have been eyeing an EV ever since my mom got a Fiat 500e and let us borrow it. They just make since for getting around town. We looked at several but fell in love with the Soul. Its size fit our needs and it has one of the better ranges for an EV. Only issue is that our local dealer will not and does not sell them. We wern't sure what to do.

We looked at just getting a 500e, but it is a little small. We looked at getting a i3, LOVED IT, but its just to pricey. Everything else in the EV world that is practically priced just didn't tickle us. After a little searching i found that there was a dealer about 70 miles away that sold them. We decided to go check them out, only to find out that the dealership had recently closed! Just our luck.

Months passed by and still not a lot of luck finding one. Finally i found a dealership that was 90 miles away from us who sold them! I called them up today and he said he had 1 left. I told him we would be there after work at 8pm to get it if he will stay open for us. He said he would and after work he headed up to see the Soul EV for the very first time. I showed my wife a picture of was Black and Red, her 2 least favorite colors, she hated it. We we showed up though and she saw it in person she fell in love! she had to have it!

There was an issue though, according to our GPS when we left our house, from the dealership to our front door was 103 miles and the sales man had told me earlier that the range of the EV is 96 miles. Not only that, but from our city to the other city there is a 4100 ft mountian range we would have to get through to get it home and to add the cherry on top, its a very loanly road meaning there isn't any shops or gas stations let alone charging stations for us to stop at and fill up.  How were we going to do this.

Well the dash informed us that the range was 108 miles. Being familer with EV's to an extent because of my moms car, i knew that the range is always a estimation, so i couldn't rely on that, But i thought if i take it really slow up hill and completely coast down hill and i let my wife drive our jeep in front of us to break the wind, then maybe we could make it. What the heck lets try it.

So we set off, cruise control at 65, ev mode on, everything else off, no radio no nav, dash lights turned all the way down, range 106, front door, 100, we can do this! 15 min of driving mode 3, range 86, front door 85. 10 min later, climbing up hill , eco mode 1, range 60 front door 75...I try not to panic and tell my wife we are good.  I know if i can just get over the mountain i can coast all the way down the mountain and hopefully gain some of those miles back...

I call her and tell her lets slow it down to 55, then 50, then 45, pretty soon we are starting to back up traffic but i dont care because the range and miles to front door keep closeing in on each other.

We keep it at 45 the whole rest of the hr and a half drive home and just about 12:30 i pull in my garage, 11 mile range and 12% battery left WE DID IT!

Its sitting in the garage right now, we finally got our little soul ev!

total miles i think ended up being around 102,

pics to come, but you all already know what they look like, its black and red EV+

tomorrow the wheels get ordered, then i will post pics.
