Mythical type1 granny charger cable

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New member
May 21, 2024
I have tried to replace my faulty type 1 granny charger cable to no avail. Seems Kia no longer supply 😳 and even Kia dealers in the dark to a compatible answer.
So any guidance would be amazing. I am guessing it is the cable as it trips the house fuse shows the fault light...but still charging on public network.
I have tried to replace my faulty type 1 granny charger cable to no avail. Seems Kia no longer supply 😳 and even Kia dealers in the dark to a compatible answer.
So any guidance would be amazing. I am guessing it is the cable as it trips the house fuse shows the fault light...but still charging on public network.
Is that public network ac charging? If so, I would agree. You should be able to get a compatible charger from Amazon, or similar. Here's one which looks ok to me, assuming you're in N America. It has the Type 1 J1772 plug (5 pins) to fit the car. Check the plug (or the supplied adapter) at the other end is compatible with your house system.
The type 1 charger is fixed at 12A, if I remember correctly, which can put strain on old 15A breakers or fuses over time. (I'm assuming that's what you're describing by "trips the house fuse") There are some third party chargers that allow going down to 10A or 8A, at the cost of, well, longer charge time, and 120V charging at 12A is already painfully slow, but maybe... The one IanL linked is one that can drop to 8A or 10A, so it's probably worth a shot. Decent price, too! EVSEs have really dropped in price since the last time I looked.
Circuit breakers can go bad and trip too easily. To check if that is the case, use a different plug on a different breaker. If it doesn't trip, your charger is OK. Replace the breaker. If it still trips the different breaker, then your charger is faulty.
So any guidance would be amazing. I am guessing it is the cable as it trips the house fuse shows the fault light.

Are you using an extension cord? Have you tried different outlets? Did it used to work?
That charger pulls 11 amps and sometimes that can be enough to trip some outlets (yes I know most circuits are 15 amp, but electricity is weird). Some GFCI circuits trip well before 15 amps
The one that came with our used soul didn't trip the breaker, but also never initiated the charge. We were able to obtain a replacement under the remaining warranty and other than confirming it did charge the car, haven't used it.

At the same time as ordering a ChargePoint Home Flex (check for credits/deals with your electric provider) I picked up a Mustart level 2 charger and wired a 50a RV outlet.

I looked at ebay for a kia charger initially and found some new ones. There's level 1s for the ev6 so your dealer likely doesn't have a clue. I was considering staying with the kia charger just for potential insurance issues. But the car was only a couple years old and the charger already failed?

Been very happy with the Mustart. Able to charge at 16a, or bump it to 32a if we need it sooner (Must have 220v circuit for that though). It has a time delay feature which isn't needed as the car has delay start.

Mustart does have a level 1 version 12/16a switchable (<link).

If you have access to a 20a outlet, I'd be inclined to try that with the current 'suspect' charger before ordering anything.

And I don't think I'd have any issue with the Vevor one linked above, I've seen some pretty good stuff out of them, but I haven't gone through those comments.

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