Hi torle, welcome to the forum.
Hi 2016Electric, glad to hear you have Torque setup.
It seems you both have a new version of the On Board Controller in your car.
Can you post some data about your cars.
Is it new? When was it made? Or have you had an OBC replacement?
If so, did you happen to see the version number?
There are pictures of the OBC stickers on the Charging Fault Error thread.
I have the old version of the OBC so cannot test this code, please report back if it is working.
Here are the On Board Charger codes for ver2 . - save as "Kia_Soul_EV_OBC_data.csv"
This is version 2 for cars newer than Oct 1st 2016 or with an OBC replacement
, On Board Charger OBC data for Kia Soul EV using Torque Pro v2
, available when the J1772 Cord is connected
Name,ShortName,ModeAndPID,Equation,Min Value,Max Value,Units,Header
002_Normal Charge Port,SlowCharger,2101,{j:5},0,1,,7E4
002_Rapid Charge Port,FastCharger,2101,{j:6},0,1,,7E4