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Thank you for your response, JejuSoul.  What you say makes sense. 

Unfortunately for me, my 'return period' is also range-limited (I can drive a maximum of 150 miles further before I cross the threshold) or else I would spend the day trying to drive-charge the car to help the SOH recalibrate.  Is there any way you know of to force this faster?  For instance, if I fill it to 100%, drive it down to 10% and re-charge again, will this do the trick?  Is there any sure-fire method to expedite this process within a day?

Part of the reason behind my anxiety is that my backup option (another 2016 Soul EV lacking several upgrade features I wanted) is reporting 90-100mi on the GOM.  I can't get a reading of the SOH, but based on the GOM, I'm assuming its higher than 89%.
