I'm considering getting a portable Level 2 EVSE to be used at a family cabin. The EVSEs I'm looking at are either:
1. Turbocord 240v (http://www.homedepot.com/catalog/pdfImages/3f/3fead36b-1be0-476a-8a10-32966b046941.pdf)
2. Duosida (https://www.amazon.com/Duosida-Charger-J1772-station-6-20P/dp/B06X6H3245/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1492500625&sr=8-6&keywords=duosida+charger)
I much prefer the Duosida due to its lower cost (this won't be an EVSE that gets a ton of use, so don't want to spring for a really expensive unit if I don't have to).
Both of these operate on 240v at 16 amps, and both come with a NEMA 6-20 plug. The Duosida also comes in a 10-30 configuration.
The family place has a 30 amp circuit available and wired to a box already. The problem I'm having is that both the EVSEs I'm looking at come with a 6-20 plug, which requires a 20 amp receptacle. But the National electric code states that a 30 amp circuit can only be served by a 30 amp receptacle, so I can't wire a 6-20 receptacle here. If I go for the Duosida with the 10-30p, that's a 30 amp plug, but the 10-30 receptacle that goes with this only accepts two hots and a neutral - it doesn't use the ground. Level 2 EVSEs don't generally use a neutral, just two hots and a ground, so I'm guessing that the ground from the EVSE is wired to the neutral on the 10-30r, and the EVSE manufacturer is banking on the fact that the neutral is grounded to earth back at the panel. This may be a good assumption, but it just seems sketchy since a neutral can occasionally get some back current.
The only good option I can think of is to swap out the 30 amp breakers back at the panel for a 20. But I don't really want to do this as we'll probably want to use this for a regular 30 amp 240v load in the future.
Have any of you run into any similar situations? Anyone have any thoughts on what else I could look into?