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  1. Grant Bell01

    Range finally back up

    I found it on the Apple Store.
  2. Grant Bell01

    Range finally back up

    These are just random values.
  3. Grant Bell01

    Range finally back up

    I changed my car to a 2018 model. You are correct there isn't a any State of Health as in my 2016. There are 8 separate HVESPA through HVESPH State of Heath sensors. There is also a HVESS Sate of Health. I believe that is what you have been looking for. These are all found in the All Senors...
  4. Grant Bell01

    Range finally back up

    Since I don't have an Apple device I really can't be of much help. But on my Android device(s) I found [BMS] State of Health #1 and [BMS] State of Health #2 at the very bottom of All Sensors. This list is on the main screen. My car shows 95.6% and 96.1% respectively. You have to be in the...
  5. Grant Bell01

    Range finally back up

    It appears that Car Scanner displays are different for Android and Apple devices from what I see on the Apple Store.
  6. Grant Bell01

    Range finally back up

    I should have metioned I am using an Android device. So the default layout if you are using an Apple device could be different.
  7. Grant Bell01

    Range finally back up

    The screen shot below shows SoH1 and SoH2 on the Dashboard. This is the position of these two parameters when the app is first installed. Looks like you have changed the layout. You can restore the Dashboard if you saved it before doing any changes by going to Settings -> Dashboard -> Restore...
  8. Grant Bell01

    CHAdeMO charger

    Thanks for the information. I have decided to hold off doing anything for now. I did see either on these forums or a YouTube video that BC Hydro does not work that well with these adaptors. Stay warm 😊.
  9. Grant Bell01

    Soul EV Spy Questions and Answers

    Please let us know if SoulSpy is working as advertised on PlayStore as I wish to purchase a copy. Many thanks, Grant.
  10. Grant Bell01

    CHAdeMO charger

    I thought you must be quoting in US$. There are are few in that range. Unfortunately by the time I add shipping, taxes and the exchange rate the cost is $1200 CAD. I was hoping you found one in the $800 CAD range. BCHydro in my area just added 15 Charging Stations to their network and they...
  11. Grant Bell01

    CHAdeMO charger

    Could you post where you found one for $800? Many thanks
  12. Grant Bell01

    CHAdeMO charger

    I have been looking at what is available. They aren't cheap. They run in the neighborhood of $1200 CAD. Since I charge at home 99% of the time I only use CHAdeMO when I travel. So far there are sufficient CHAdeMO chargers available on Vancouver Island/British Columbia with more planned. I...