The brake force application is distributed by controlling hydraulic braking. The total brake force output that the driver demands is achieved by combining hydraulic and regenerative brakes. In the case of regenerative brake failure, the total brake force that the driver demands is supplied by the hydraulic brake system.
The AHB system is composed of the Pressure Source Unit (PSU) and the Integrated Brake Actuation Unit (IBAU). First, the PSU generates the hydraulic pressure required for braking.
Similar to the boosting effect when the driver steps on the brake pedal in a system equipped with a vacuum booster, the hydraulic pressure stored in the cylinder is supplied to provide pressure throughout the entire brake line.
Second, the IBAU delivers pressure generated by the PSU to a caliper on each wheel. Also, it is connected to the brake pedal to detect the brake force demanded by the driver and to generate the braking feeling.
The IBAU carries out the ABS, TCS, and ESC functions as in conventional vehicles.