Buying a replacement reversing camera from China.

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Staff member
Jul 8, 2015
Interesting post from the UK here. :- Soul 2016 Reversing camera
A month or so ago the reversing camera of our 2016 Soul EV failed. Tried all the usual tricks such as cleaning the lens, wiggling connections, slapping it etc. but no dice just a grey screen as if we were in thick fog. Spoke to our local dealer and they wanted £155 to diagnose the issue. That's not to fix it, just to diagnose the issue.

Did a quick search on the web and was able to source this replacement camera from AliExpress for £11.79 plus £3.16 delivery from China. It took less than 2 weeks to ship and I fitted it this afternoon in about an hour. Works just fine.

If my dealer had taken a quick look for free, or just quoted for a new camera and charged me £150 to fix I would probably have paid it, so thanks to their charging to diagnose policy I've saved a small fortune. Happy days.

Hopefully this post will help anyone else that suffers from a failed reversing camera.