Portable Power

Kia Soul EV Forum

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Jan 2, 2025
Hello all:

Being in the process of buying a Soul EV, is there a merit to having a portable power to take with you in case you run out of charge on the road, just to get you to the next charging station or at home. Sort of like having a jerrycan in gas cars.

I know this is more like a security blanket, as you should be more proactive at planning your trip, but you'll never know, you can never plan for everything, and from experience, things don't always go my way.

I see a lot of portable power being sold around. Has anyone tried using it in emergency, how much kWh/Wh should it be to be viable, if anyone can share their experiences, that would be helpful.
I do not use portable power and no one on this forum has ever mentioned using it.

One person who does regularly use it is TeslaBjorn in his range testing series.


These tests where he deliberately runs out of power give the impression that this happens a lot.
It is actually quite rare. Happened to me once in ten years.

TeslaBjorn uses an EcoFlow portable power pack.
He financially profits from this by linking to it below his videos.
I avoid such links because of potential bias due to the conflict of interest.
But there isn't anywhere else giving better info and the link is easy to find.

The video is here
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interesting to see, it did work with the portable power just enough to reach the charger, but as you said, it doesn't happen often

he might have intentionally run it low to get to that point, unless there's really a problem with the battery that it would suddenly drop

hmm, 2.4kW portable power is not cheap also, so we'll see, although there's some other uses for it
he might have intentionally run it low to get to that point,
Yes. These videos are very popular. He often spoofs that many of those watching are EV Haters by putting a SUN logo at the front. The SUN is a right wing tabloid in the UK that runs many idiotic anti EV stories.
He makes money from these videos so good luck to him.
But EV drivers should take the fear-mongering with a grain of salt.
a lot of EV haters around, without even having a full understanding of the technology

i always tell people who asks me about it, to talk to EV owners, people who actually use it, instead of listening to those fear mongerings thrown all over the internet, some, if not most of it, are not even factual information

TeslaBjorn intentionally creates tension in those videos, understandably, to get more views 🤔