Really dumb newbie question...

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Well-known member
Apr 14, 2020
Okay, so I've bought my 2016 Kia Soul EV+ and they will be shipping it out to me in the next day or two from a dealership on the other side of the country (long story). Anyway, so I have a dumb question:

I know that when the charge level reaches a certain level (which can be set in the vehicle's settings) charging will stop. But if I want or need to end the charging earlier than that is there anything I need to do before unplugging the connector from the car or just disconnect it whenever I'm ready? I assume for safety's sake they've thought of people just unplugging in the middle of a session and the system will figure it out. And I'm assuming the answer is the same whether I'm charging at home with my level-2 EVSE or one at a charging station.

Is this right?

Thanks in advance,
You are largely correct. Your EV is capable of setting a percentage charge. Later cars ( I think the 30kWh model) can only be set to 100% or a start and finish time, which means you have to judge how long to charge if you want less than 100%. This daft restriction is due to EU jobsworths splitting hairs about the definition of the new economy ratings.

The handbook confirms that you remove the connector from the vehicle to break the charge if you are using the trickle charger (aka granny charger); the one which plugs into a 13A socket. If you are using a "proper" EV charging point with a captive connecting cable, the same applies. However, if you are using the supplied cable with a Type 2 connector which plugs into the EV charger, it tells you to remove that connector first. It does not explain why.
Ah, thanks for the quick reply! Although, in the US the charge points have their own built in cables rather than the user bringing their own, which has some advantages and disadvantages, mainly vandalism, etc. So I guess I just unplug whenever I'm ready to go. I imagine on a stand alone charge station there's probably a "stop charging" button too?

Thanks again!
You are OK unplugging it on Level 1&2.

On Level 3 DC fast chargers you need to tell the charger to stop with an end charging button on the charger. N.B. There may be a separate emergency stop button, don't use that as while it will stop your charging it can trip things inside the charger that requires a technician before it can be used again.

The Chademo connectors actually lock in place and can't be removed while charging, I don't know if that is also true of the CCS ones.

There is a pin that locks the Level 1&2 charging connector in place while the doors are locked, remember to unlock the car before trying to unplug.
Thanks for the info, notfred. I'm not Fred either!

Anyway, yeah I do seem to remember seeing this on a YouTube video (about canceling the ChaDeMo charge via the interface on the charge station) and it makes sense since that's a LARGE amount of energy going through that cable at that time. And I was glad to hear that the connector locks when the doors are locked. By the way, is it common to hook up to level-2 charge station (not DC fast charge), lock your vehicle and leave while it charges? I'm sure there's a lot of "best practices" stuff I need to learn along the way. Although, really, I suspect that 99% of the time I will only be charging at home, but you never know!

Russell (not Fred)
I basically always charge at home and will Level 2 charger if it is free while I'm shopping or at the library etc. I don't bother with Level 1, it's too slow and Level 3 costs too much. Around here it costs a lot more to charge then it does for electricity at home
That's pretty much what my strategy is going to be too. There are a few free charge stations near my house I discovered, most level 2 but a few of them level 1 (which I would not use unless I was desperate).
