Soul EV Spy Questions and Answers

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This one DOES work perfectly (not sure how you define this but I get all the screens with data) - my Soul is a 2020 64kW but the app was designed for earlier Souls initially. It is still being developed remember.
gday said:
This one DOES work perfectly (not sure how you define this but I get all the screens with data) - my Soul is a 2020 64kW but the app was designed for earlier Souls initially. It is still being developed remember.

thank you !! appreciated

mine is 2016 soul Ev, seems 27kw or 30KW battery but as my present ELM327 partially responding so not sure , thats why i want to order the right kw902 .
Understand your dilemma Neel!

I went through a similar process when I looked for one but luckily picked a good one right away.

You can actually buy them directly from Konnwei BTW and I am pretty sure they would work. I found out AFTER I got the one from eBay. I thought they would not sell to individuals - I was wrong.
gday said:
Understand your dilemma Neel!

I went through a similar process when I looked for one but luckily picked a good one right away.

You can actually buy them directly from Konnwei BTW and I am pretty sure they would work. I found out AFTER I got the one from eBay. I thought they would not sell to individuals - I was wrong.

thank you !! appreciated
Reporting a positive result of using this Soul EV Spy-Lite App with my 2015 Soul EV. I have a Konnwei KW902 (from Amazon). I followed the simple instructions, and with my Android tablet, was able to get many (9) screens of data, which are posted:

I'm happy with a Batt. SOH= 91.7 % . Car has 17K miles , always garaged, in Long Beach, CA. Does this SOH seem OK considering ?

Many thx to EVRanger and this forum.

edzee3 said:
I'm happy with a Batt. SOH= 91.7 % . Car has 17K miles , always garaged, in Long Beach, CA. Does this SOH seem OK considering ?
My 2015, never garaged, was around 95% SOH at 71K km in May. Usually charged every night to 80% using 3,5 kW home charger. Around 5-6000 km driven using DC charging at ~ 45 kW. Occasionally driven at 130 km/h, but mostly much slower. Rarely discharged lower than 20%. Perhaps the SOH drop is as much caused by the passing of time, as by the discharging and charging.
Soul EV Spy Lite has been released with Russian language, for BETA-testers: Version 0.1.3-5224.

If you understand Russian, please register as tester at Google Play:
When you have the Soul EV Spy Lite v 0.1.3-5224, if you configure your android device for Russian, the Soul EV Spy Lite will use russian texts. Please notify me of any errors or improvements:
If you find no errors and nothing to improve, I will appreciate feedback on that as well :)

In case you have improvements for any texts in the app, in any of the languages supported by the app, please let me know.

If you can volunteer to translate an unsupported language, you are more than welcome :)
Perhaps someone can help with this. I just bought a 2016 Soul EV+.
Bought this dongle:
Which Torque reports as firmware 1.5 and which reports just fine for my other vehicles, as well as talking to the ECU on the Kia.
Although Soul EV Spy sees the dongle, and says it is connecting every (default) 3 seconds, the dongle only shows the power light - there is no flicker of the BT light. And Soul EV Spy reports nothing for the Kia.
Vehicle is powered on.
Did I miss an obvious step somewhere?
Any help gratefully received.
I think I discovered that Soul EV Spy doesn't handle negative temperatures properly.

Yesterday it was -33c here and when I checked my battery pack temperatures they all read 253.0, 247.0, and like that. When I rechecked them after driving about 20 mins a couple had crept above zero and read 3.0 which looked correct.

Same thing with the BMS screen, all the temps were 253, 251, etc. I assume because they were below zero.

The outside temp value was correct, however.
A wrinkle in using Soul EV Spy?

Hope someone has an answer to this issue.
I plugged everything in as normal and tried to connect but it went into a loop of connect/disconnecting. Tried it two days running with the same result.
Answering my own question!

If you have another app using bluetooth it seems to get confused, especially if the other app is auto-connect. In my case it was Torque and it was essentially blocking the Soul EV Spy connection. Once I Quit the other app (no, I was technically not running it but it connected anyway) all is well. Note you can tell if Torque is active because it has a 1 next to the app icon on your desktop. To turn it off simply open the app and go to the settings, bottom left and choose Quit.

I am leaving my last post up and this one in case anyone else runs into the same issue.
I think I was having issues with the same issue and came to the same solution. Glad to have my suspicion confirmed.
I have posted this elsewhere, but didn't realise this was the best place, so here it is, with a slight update:

I have just bought a 2 year old SoulEV 30 kWh with 31,000 miles. The GOM shows 114 miles, and it covers 85 speedo miles with 26% charge left. If the 26% is correct, that suggests the range is 100/74*85=114.87 miles. The long-term "economy" display shows 4.0miles/kWh, which suggests the battery capacity is 85/4*100/74=28.72 kWh i.e. the SOH is 95.7%.

I appreciate there's a number of assumptions above, so I used Torque Pro and SoulEV Pro to get some confirmation. However.


The values for Max Det and Min Det appear absurd. SoulEVSpy gives the same values, but reports SOH as indeterminate. The cell voltages are all 4.12V except three adjacent cells which are 4.10. That is after a charge to 100%.

Any insight gratefully received.
How does recording of data work ? (paid version)
I only have an item "restore recorded files".
Is there a feature like with LeafSpyPro, where I can set my files' destination? E.g. google drive, Nextcloud, SD card etc?
Thanks for helping me out.
I am not an expert but I took a drive a while ago and simply set things up, left my phone connected, did my journey, then when I got home downloaded the CSV file from my phone (Android) and the whole trip was recorded. LOADS of information including lat/long. I could see where I was regenning etc. Yes, it is simply numerical but I may tinker with Excel and see what I can graph some day.
IanL I have Torque Pro too and will see how things compare - I admit it took SO LONG to set up the screens for Torque (the individual cells were nowhere near as easy as using SoulSpy) so I have not been really using it. I am intrigued by all the data so I will try it soon - would like some nicer weather mind!
gday, yes, the process of scrolling down the large list of parameters to select what you want is a pain, and you have to repeat it for every one - I used an Android tablet (actually an Amazon Fire) - the larger screen is a help.

My big issue is that my BMS seems to have a problem providing sensible values of Max Det and Min Det, needed to calculate SOH. I'll be interested to see what you get.
This issue has been discussed before :- May 2018: Setting up Torque to show BMS data.

The SOH readings given by Torque do not work correctly on the 30kWh versions of the Soul EV.
The reading given by SoulEVSpy, 'indeterminate' is currently correct.
I recommend new users to stick to the SoulEVSpy app

We are still waiting for a user with less than 100% SOH usable capacity to post their data.
I will correct the Torque app once we know what the actual codes are.

ihsouhl said:
How does recording of data work ? (paid version)
I only have an item "restore recorded files".
Is there a feature like with LeafSpyPro, where I can set my files' destination? E.g. google drive, Nextcloud, SD card etc?
Thanks for helping me out.
Answering my own question, partially. I figured out the data is residing in "Download" folder on Android phone
When I run EV spy on my 2018 Kia Soul EV LUX, it reports under Engine

Battery [LiPB 350 V, 75 Ah] + Motor [3-Phase AC 80 KW]

Does this mean my car 27KW battery?

If I do the Math it should be a 355V 80Ah battery?

I did a lot of research before buying and looked at a lot of 2016/2017 and they all showed the same on the GOM when fully charged 155-165, Which is what this car shows...

I took it to an EV KIA dealer and they didn't have a way of Identifying the battery as a courtesy took it into the shop did a scan and said the battery was fine. will a 99% SOH. Which wasn't my question...Anyway

I contacted KIA Canada and they couldn't tell me.

I know my car was made in 2017 sometime.

I am fully aware that environmental and driving habits can have an effect on the numbers. If the above battery is being what is reported by the computer is it correct or some bug?

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