SoulSpy no longer displaying SOH?

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Well-known member
Mar 23, 2024
Arizona, USA
2019. Been a while and the recall since I've plugged in SoulSpy. Come to think of it a new phone/download of SoulSpy as well.
Went to Car and it isn't showing a value

Battery SOH % - unknown deterioration
Battery SOH source - Awaiting data
Aux battery - 12.0

It used to show 100% which I didn't completely trust either.

Battery Management System:
battery.max_cell_SOH_n - 30
battery.max_cell_SOH_pct - 3.3
battery.min_cell_SOH_n - 26
battery.max_cell_SOH_pct - 100

Can anyone check and see if the recall update has trounced their Battery SOH % under car?
Any idea which of these other SOH values is the SOH? I was pretty sick when I saw 30 but then realized pct is probably percent and 3.3?!!!!

Thank you.
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Either A)
If you have just had the battery fire-safety recall a few days ago then your BMS has just been reset.
All the values will be reset to zero and the car has to learn the SOH again over a few charging cycles.

Or B)
If you had the battery fire-safety recall a while ago then the new BMS does not behave the same way as the old one.
The numbers it shows are different.

Or C)
This is just a glitch.

On my car the SOH value stopped working when I got the battery replaced. But mine's a 2015.
Either A)
If you have just had the battery fire-safety recall a few days ago
Or B)
If you had the battery fire-safety recall a while ago th
Or C)
This is just a glitch.

On my car the SOH value stopped working when I got the battery replaced. But mine's a 2015.
Thank you.
It's been at least a month since we've had it in so I think A is out.

The battery was at ~30% and we were about to charge when I tossed the scanner on. I had turned the scanner off and back on a couple times so I think that rules out 'glitch'. Best guess at this point is 'low battery' which doesn't really make sense.

I checked a little while later while it was charging and it was showing 100% at around 50% charge.

We just got back from a drive. Battery had charged to 75% and SOH still shows 100%

Aux Battery is showing 11.6 so might be having an issue there.

For reference
Battery SOH % - 100.0
Battery SOH source - Copied from BMS SOH value
Aux battery - 11.6

Battery Management System:
battery.max_cell_SOH_n - 30 (still)
battery.max_cell_SOH_pct - 3.3 (still)
battery.min_cell_SOH_n - 26 (still)
battery.max_cell_SOH_pct - 100 (still)

I notice the
battery.auxiliaryVoltage_V is 12.4
Which differs from the 'Aux Battery' value.

100% seems stupid wrong. It's a 2019?!! We've had it 2 years in this heat
Mine is a 2018, and admittedly in a much milder climate, but it is still showing 100%. My own "home brew" calculations suggest the real value is between 101 and 102%, and I assume the BMS never reports greater than 100%. Most people agree that the SOH=100% state is quite a bit less capacity than a new battery presents, i.e. KIA allow themselves a "top margin" of 3% or maybe more. So all 100% SOH says is that the battery has not yet dropped out of the top margin.

Note that the SOH should, in theory, not vary with SOC. It is a measurement of battery capacity, which is not dependent on SOC. Some fluctuation may arise due to limitations of the SOH assessment method, but, as you see none, it aligns with the theory that any such fluctuations are occurring within the top margin, and are therefore "invisible".
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I just noticed you are in Arizona. No wonder you mention the heat.
The original 27kWh version of the Soul EV did really badly in Arizona.
New batteries were needed every 2 years.
Kia never sold the Soul EV in Arizona for this reason.
No one has ever reported a 30kWh version in Arizona before.
The battery cells in the 30kWh version supposedly are much more heat tolerant.
It would be interesting to know what your SOH really is.
Have you noticed a drop on range or loss of performance?
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I just noticed you are in Arizona. No wonder you mention the heat.
The original 27kWh version of the Soul EV did really badly in Arizona.
New batteries were needed every 2 years.
Kia never sold the Soul EV in Arizona for this reason.
No one has ever reported a 30kWh version in Arizona before.
The battery cells in the 30kWh version supposedly are much more heat tolerant.
It would be interesting to know what your SOH really is.
Have you noticed a drop on range or loss of performance?
Car said 104* when I was reading the SOH yesterday. But that always seems to be ~5* off of actual temp.

Southern Cal had several 2019s, I've been told only a few hundred made it into the US. This one was near Fresno CA but I think I remember service records in Palm Springs.

We relocated it during the pandemic, not knowing anything about charging/range, it took my wife 3 days for a 8 hr trip. Unsure how they were charging it, the included Kia 120v charger was faulty. First month was a steep learning curve, then we got a portable level 2 and I wired 220v50a to plug it into. Now it mostly charges over night at 15a every other day or so.

The only drop we've noticed was after the last recall. It doesn't seem to indicate as much range on a full charge as prior. It does fluctuate somewhat between summer & <cough> winter.

One of our first fast charging sessions we ran into a kid with an older one that was doing uber eats. That was another time we got stuck on the charger. Took me a while, but I figured out how to pry the button out on that older chademo plug when it won't release.