Tcalp said:For those that have re-mounted their usb/aux dash, how on earth did you get the thing back in, I've applied immense amounts of pressure to no avail. Did you use a compression tool of some sort ?
ksoul2084 said:My 2016 former-Teo taxi Soul had the sign removed but they left the giant holes in the roof and simply covered them with a black wrap. Yesterday it hailed here and the wrap tore open over most of the holes, exposing the inside of the roof to the elements.
So now I need to figure out a long-term solution to plugging the holes to keep them water-tight and as visually appealing as possible.
Since the black wrap on the roof was damaged in several places by the hail I'm thinking of removing it entirely to expose the original light blue paint, though I have no idea what other cosmetic / paint damage might be lurking under the wrap from the sign, etc.
Any suggestions on how to plug these large holes? I'm thinking a large, thin bolt of some sort and some water-rated silicone but maybe there is some kind of thin plastic plug or something that would look better?
Tcalp said:Took my car in to see about having the battery replaced under warranty, wish me luck
bijan said:Just got a bluetooth OBD2 adapter. Says my battery state of health is 110%. According to the Canadian facebook group that's normal for a brand new 27kwh battery. Looks like this confirms that the battery was indeed replaced this April and that the car was barely driven since.
Tcalp said:If the battery was replaced it should be stated on carfax report.
EVDee said:Back to the weekend, considering I had nothing but time - I started doing a tear down to try and get all taxi equipment out. I'll share photos in a separate post in the future,
Tcalp said:Took my car in to see about having the battery replaced under warranty, wish me luck
warren55 said:When you get the dongle hooked up and open the app, look for Car Information. Within a few seconds it should report the SOH in %.
This is not true. They have been replacing batteries with new ones that are 100% or better. Many owners have said their replacement battery gives greater range than when the car was first bought. Car number 3 in your list probably has 100% SOH. The other 2 are probably already under 70%Neel said:... because i heard that they don't install new battery they just match 70% capacity with cell replacement ...
JejuSoul said:This is not true. They have been replacing batteries with new ones that are 100% or better. Many owners have said their replacement battery gives greater range than when the car was first bought. Car number 3 in your list probably has 100% SOH. The other 2 are probably already under 70%Neel said:... because i heard that they don't install new battery they just match 70% capacity with cell replacement ...
To decide which car is better for you we have to know what you intend to use the car for. How far will you drive it? How fast?
How easy will it be for you to take the car to Kia and get it serviced?
Neel said:JejuSoul said:Neel said:- in short for (Gamble on) 113000 KM car , HV battery replacement warranty will be on my shoulder , but other wear and tear will be less that will be my benefit am i thinking right way ?
ksoul2084 said:
Well 20000km extra mileage isn't much really. I think you're over-thinking it (I do this too).
Sounds like you're game for the "adventure" of dealing with a warranty battery replacement yourself, and well situated to do so geographically. I'd say go for the best deal you can negotiate then and plan on getting the battery replaced yourself.