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  1. L

    SoulBox Range Extender project

    Anyone end up getting one and is there any noticeable range improvement? That’s worth the almost 500CAD after shipping and duties… I like the idea and would rather coast where I can to save battery but not sure if it’s worth it. There’s Piro’s own testing but I haven’t seen too many, if at all...
  2. L

    Battery heating question - Cold Weather

    @JejuSoul we know that the battery heater (at least the ones that have them, e.g. in Canada and the northern latitude countries) is good to keep the batteries as close to above 0C as much as possible. However, when it's significantly below 0C (e.g. -20 or lower), I actually want the battery...
  3. L

    Energy used by heating system

    I don’t think I’ve ever seen 6kw HVAC use, and I’m in Saskatoon now (where it’s -20 and beyond regularly). When I was in Vancouver it was near 0 in winter, and averaged about 120km, realistically closer to 110. Spring and Summer could easy get 165-170km depending on how I drive. In Saskatoon...
  4. L

    Battery heating question - Cold Weather

    I just moved to Saskatoon with mine, and it being -20C out here, you pretty much need level 2 outside to maintain anything - you'll also slow charge, but you will charge. I can try to get you some data on charging from the logs in Car is full at the moment, but i'll log one and...
  5. L

    Range finally back up

    interesting - mine has 110% for both, and the 12v battery hasn't been changed before.... so i'm even less inclined to believe it. though yesterday it was fully charged, in heated garage (12C), got 126km range, and then went out into -18C and good while driving, just dips when you're stopped...
  6. L

    Range finally back up

    To quote @JejuSoul ’s comment: Post in thread 'Turtle came on, 80% charged. Temp showing 124* F' The OBD scanner apps don’t do much apart from read what the car says. I only really use it to see...
  7. L

    Range finally back up

    The app has some recommendations. I just went with what Bjorn Nyland (YouTube) was using for his Kia Soul EV tests/road trips. I used this one. OBDLink CX Bimmercode Bluetooth...
  8. L

    Range finally back up

    It provides something that says SOH on it (two indicators) but whether that’s correct, I can’t tell yet. Mostly because the pack was replaced Dec 2023 and I’ve used it a year.
  9. L

    Range finally back up

    Car Scanner (literally the name on either App Store); does what it says it does 😂
  10. L

    Range finally back up

    Saskatoon, SK (Canada) - 1:24 in the afternoon, -25C (wind chill -40C), battery temp around 8C (in heated garage kept around 12C), forgot to charge last night so needed to drive to DCFC. Flo 50kw charger, 125A, charge rate hovering around 45-46kW charging from ~29-30% SOC.
  11. L

    CHAdeMO charger

    It’s a charming little car. I love it-big enough to carry things and be seen but not so big it’s annoying. The box part is terrible for aero but you didn’t get this car for cross country road trips….though tbh with adequate cooling (like heat dissipation) you could do it, if chargers were about...
  12. L

    CHAdeMO charger

    LOL might have been me (I did a few videos testing them) but i don't recall filming a bchydro one, but the manufacturer said to plug a laptop into the adapter and send them the info and they'll give me an firmware update to make it work lol.... basically the factory built the entire device on...
  13. L

    CHAdeMO charger

    I think you'll be fine in BC for sure - I got one from the manufacturer in China using and they work on flo/chargepoint/random stations, but for some reason don't really work on BCHydro ones (but BCHydro ones all have Chademo); 95% of the time, I rarely have to fast charge if at all...
  14. L

    2016 Soul EV Owner here.

    congrats! at least in Canada i had to be polite and just keep pressing them for it - problem is it's something that takes them time to order and they have to wait for Kia Canada to authorize things before they can do certain work/order parts. You should always have a second opinion - could be...
  15. L

    Range finally back up

    Update on my side - currently somewhere between -7C and -11C, 100% charge after settling to exterior temp from a heated garage with preconditioning is 125-130km, which is good if I need to drive that far, but will decrease as the temperature persists, and if I leave it outside. So let's say GOM...