0.0mi/KWh History

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New member
Mar 19, 2016
Really enjoying life with the Soul EV so far, but we do appear to have some small niggles.

The EV history / range switches between km & miles, but when it switches from miles to km on the history it doesn't adjust the km accordingly. So something that was 3.3mi/KWh shows as 3.3km/KWh, not 5.3 that I would expect. I'm also getting some 0.0mi/KWh entries regardless of the trip distance. This is being reflected in reduced estimated ranges when fully charged. Only showing about 75miles when charged. I'm confident it's going to do more, but it's disconcerting. It will have to go back to the dealer, but curious if anybody has seen this, or knows what the fix is?

There is another post talking about randomly switching between mi/km. I am not sure if it is the same issue, but it does not look like they have found a resolution yet.

It seems like having a bunch of trips only take 0.0 would make your battery look like it could go FURTHER, not shorter.?.?

In Seattle, it has been 60-70 degrees F, and yesterday I had 96mi. The lowest it got over the winter was 69mi when it was in the 30s.

You can hit the physical "EV" button under the radio and dig into the battery. Maybe check there if it says "100%".
Maybe try a different level of charging (L1 or L2)