How much range decrease with AC/heater on?

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New member
Dec 22, 2015
Hi, everyone, I am debating between leasing a 2016 Soul EV+ or Leaf SV. One of the key difference to me is the claimed range of 94 vs 107. My daily commute will be 70 miles round trip in northern CA, mostly highway. Unfortunately, I can't charge the ev at work. I wonder if the Soul can last over 70 miles after a full charge with AC/heater on. Any experience or suggestion will be highly appreciated!
70 miles roundtrip should be no problem in the kia except in heavy rain. HVAC use cuts range less than 10%. Maximum range in nice weather when the car is new and charged to 100% will be about 100 miles at 60-65 mph.

In the rain, any EV will lose up to 20-30% of its good-weather range, even driving slowly.

Please expand on why rain cuts down the range so significantly?
Anything to do with running A/C or heat to keep windows de-fogged or something else?
It's like running on the beach - driving in the rain adds tire drag. Ever noticed how your car slows down when it hits a flooded area? It takes energy to quickly push water out from the tire contact patch as the car travels. The thicker the film of water on the road, the greater the amount of work to push it aside out from under the tires.

Heating or cooling adds to that energy loss, but to a lesser degree.