Hi everyone.
Long time no see

I’m still the owner of the same 2015 Kia Soul and didn’t use it since January, sitting on my parking and collecting dust.
I’ll try to give you my story in few posts over next few days/weeks.
First to explain what’s happened with my “great” idea off getting rid of only one cell and trying to trick the BMS that it’s all fine. Didn’t work.
I think that when I connected power cable directly to the cell 95 electricity was going through, no problem. Voltage cables from cell 96 I’ve patched on cell 95 thinking that’s enough.
Car started and I was happy, as you can imagine. But after 20/30 seconds system blocked the car with the warning message about the high voltage battery?!
To cut it short, I’ve needed to move the car from my friend/mechanic’s garage and decided to drive as far away as I’ve could and then call service to tow it “somewhere “…
I’ve drove for 30 sec, pulled over and cut out the engine.
Started again and realized that I’ve got another 30 sec.
My OBD reader didn’t recognize half of the battery, from 49-96 cell, but still showed info for the cells 1-48. Not knowing how half of the cells are behaving, I’ve got myself home, stop and go for 20 minutes

Later on I’ve figured (not sure) that there must be also voltage monitoring for groups of cells together, for example cells from 49-96 (4V each) all together give 196V which is measured. Me forcing the system to believe that I still have 48 cells, 4V each, but actually having 47 cells 4V each didn’t add up and BMS probably got rightfully confused and protected the whole system. I don’t have the proof for this above but should be something like that or similar.
At least I’ve learnt a lot, how to dismantle whole batteries first hand, what is what, this was satisfying experience to me and didn’t discourage me at all.
That was in January.
But what to do next?
I’ll let you know soon…