Thought I'd share my way of dealing with this.. Old school but it works.
I am using an embedded PC (Win XP / Pentium-m, modern people would probably use RaspPi or similar, but a laptop is fine) as a "real-time" logger which pulls ~15 samples/min and stores the data in raw text files. Additionally the program saves a log file with selected values decoded. Most of the data will never be of any use, but as long as we don't know for sure what's happening in there, I always have the possibility to backtrace interesting findings.
The last 4 months I haven't had too much time for this project, but the logger has collected basically all charging and driving during this time... :mrgreen:
I use a KW901 bluetooth adapter and a home-cooked Python program, simply connecting through a COM-port provided by the BT drivers. I guess a USB adapter would also provide a COM-port, so the software should work the same as long as it's ELM327 compatible.
The system is evolving, but as of now the following stuff gets recorded in the raw files:
BMS: 7EC 2101 - 2105
VMC: 7EA 2100 - 2102
OBC: 79C 2102
LDC: 7CD 2101
What's missing is the odometer, the outdoor temperature and the GPS coordinates..
One useful thing with the raw file is to open it in Notepad, adjust the window height and scroll through it using PgUp/PgDn. It's like fast-forward a movie and you can actually observe one specific cell's behaviour during a trip or a charging session. Nerdish, I know..