Thanks to all the useful information posted on this thread!!!
I just bought one of those former limo/taxi 2016 Kia Soul with 134,000 km. I got mine from
In my first run from full charge (guess-o-meter showed 125km) to empty I got 148 km in a variety driving conditions (AC on, highway, etc.) until the turtle indicator showed up now I'm doing trickle charge with 110 portable adapter. Brakes seem to be low but is the first time I drive a Kia EV so I don't have a comparison point.
So far everything works. Well only the projector headlights aim seems to be off, but besides that no rattle noises no glitches, only minor dents and scratches, and glue residues from the vinyl wrapping. Tire repair kit was in the trunk but no portable charge adapter.
I was very exciting to find the second FOB

as it was described in previous posts. Since restoring it to its former glory is my pet project, I'd like to contribute with some findings.
Work done so far:
1.- Removed occupied/free indicator lights from the front/rear windows, disconnected, and tucked the cables away, sticker residue is stubborn.
2.- Removed the dome camera by disconnecting the cable from inside boards (the poor thing didn't survived surgery) and tucked cables away too.
3.- Removed the bracket from the front vents, filled up the holes with epoxy sanded and wrapped in white vinyl to mach the interior white trim inserts, the cable was routed to the AUX/USB panel hidden under console.
4.- Found the second FOB!!!
5.- Restored the AUX/USB panel. The AUX cable connected to this panel comes from the headrest bracket so I removed them while removing the hardware.
6.- Submitted paperwork for the plug'n drive $1000 used vehicle purchase incentive (Ontario only). I got the confirmation that all was received and complete. I'm still waiting for the cheque. More info here
I'm still trying to figure out what other cables/relays/connectors should be removed without breaking the electric system. Suggestions/instructions/guides/how to (with pictures) are welcomed.
Someone requested Kia manuals. I was able to remove the interior trim following instructions in this website.
One final question. How do I update the firmware to get Apple CarPlay?
I'm pondering remove the roof trim by myself since there are curtain airbags, in order to get rid of the aluminum hardware on the roof and other wiring. Did someone manage to do that by himself?