Can't charge at level 1.

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Feb 26, 2017
We have had our car just a couple of days and I am a bit perplexed at a problem we are having.
Using the Kia 110 volt charger I can only charge for a few hours before the charger lights it's fault light. I don’t think there is any warning message on the Kia’s dash at this point.
I charged my Tesla with the Kia 110 volt charger and it charged for six hours fine, no fault.
The Soul charges fine with a 220 volt J1772 level 2 charger. It also charges at an EvGo fast DC charger.
It just can’t charge at 110 with the included charger.
Does this make any sense to anyone else?
How can I charge using two out of three of my options? It is like the Kia doesn’t like the included charger.
Any thoughts appreciated.
Leave the car to the seller with a minimal battery charge, it plug the GDS console and monitor the charge during a night to see what is the problem.
He means take the car to the dealer and let them test it.

If it was me, I would test the house wiring first. When the Soul EV stops charging, touch the cable and see if it is hot/warm. Let it cool for 30 mins and then see if it starts up normally.
Are you using an extension lead, you shouldn't. What's the condition of the outlet it is plugged in to? New and shiny with the screws for the wiring nice and tight? Or older, corroded contacts, screws worked loose? Anything else on the same circuit?

Try plugging in to a different outlet on a different circuit.
Plugged into the same circuit (with no extension cord) that I used to use to charge my Volt with it's 110 charger.
I cannot use a different outlet without using an extension cord.
I guess since all is well level 2 wise I will just drop it at the dealer and let them try charging it on 110.
As it is 70 miles away I wanted to wait till it is convenient. I am heading that way Thursday and am leaving it overnight. I will report back. I think it is the actual portable charger.
As an aside, as I stated, this happened on my first day of ownership. I called Kia and complained that I thought it unacceptable that they hadn't checked the charger. I mentioned that I had to buy a level 2 charger to charge it and it was charging fine that way. With no prodding the rep said we will reimburse you for that charger. I got a $499 check in the mail just today. Sweet!
Back from the dealer. It is the onboard charger after all. They confirmed it will charge at 440 and 220 but not 110.
I suggested to the dealer that in the future rather than just charge at 220 to get the car ready they should charge half way using 110 and then finish up at 220. That would have avoided us going through this as it was defective from day one.
They said that Kia hadn't gotten back to them on what to do next (and of course they don't have the part).
We probably should have let them keep it but we took it home since it is able to charge in the garage at level 2.
I will report back with what they do.
So here is my update.
They said they showed an OBC fault and ordered the part. Took about a week to get in.
Tuesday they installed the new OBC.
I asked them to make sure they charged at 110 volts overnight.
I could tell by checking my UVO app they did not. It was on 220 during the afternoon.
Picked it up yesterday and they said they checked my charger at 110 and all was well.
Got home yesterday and put it on 110 level 1 and it went to a fault on the external charger after 1 hour and 40 minutes. Reset it and this time it made it 3 hours and 40 minutes.
It is on it's third try now.
Let me refresh you on the status.
I can charge at 220 and 440 fine on the Kia Soul EV. I tested the Kia level 1 charger on my Tesla and it charged overnight no problem.
It will not work with my Kia though.
The external charger shows Fault, the Kia Soul EV shows no errors on the dash.
I have successfully used a 110 volt level 1 charger for three years with my prior Chevy Volt so wiring is not an issue.
When Kia opens today I am going to ask them to mail me a replacement level 1 charger although the fact it charged my Tesla is worrisome.
I am very frustrated at this point.
I'm having a similar problem with my car. In my case seems to be temperature related--the higher the ambient temp, the increased chance that charging at 110v will stop and a fault will be indicated on the Kia EVSE power cord.
Unlikely that is my case, bought the car end of February in New England, garage well below 50 degrees until just recently and it is probably 60 today.
Just went out and felt the charger, barely warm. Of course this time it has been charging for a little over 4 hours, probably it's longest stent ever.
Use Torque Pro to do a LOG reading (over long hours) on charger values (PIDs).

I think that you has a big lost of voltage at the end of your charger cord ... and that's why the charger shutdown with no errors.

The voltage over 3 hours is too low for the range of the KIA onboard charger.
Perhaps, you must rewire your point of charge of you has a lost in a connector.

Example of problems on the connectors :

That's why you must try to LOG the onboard charger with Torque Pro if your dealer/seller don't want doing this (on 110v line).
OK here is the latest on my issue.
Remember, this problem started on day one after delivery of the vehicle. That shows that they did not do a thorough test of the EV and it's charger.
As I have said the external charger would fault after a few hours.
After driving the 70 miles to my dealer they said they saw an onboard charger problem. They ordered the part which required me to go back down again to get it replaced.
I asked than when they were done they charge it at level 1 with my charger overnight. By monitoring the UVO app I could see that they did not do this. They charged at level 2. They claimed they tried it for "a few minutes". Not what I asked them to do.
After getting home it still faulted after a few hours on level 1.
Since then the dealer has claimed to me that prior to replacing the OBC they could not charge at 110 for even a second. I told them that wasn't the problem I presented to you as I could always charge for a few hours. I wonder if they just replaced the OBC to get some money out of Kia.
I asked Kia to mail me a new level 1 charger to try rather than drive again 140 RT.
They refused. They instead wanted to tow the Soul EV (at I assume at considerable expense).
So I spent $299 buying one on Amazon.
It arrived and yesterday I charged for 13 hours successfully.
So the dealer never did what I asked, to simply charge overnight at 110. Because of that I would either have to loose my six week old car again.
My letter to Kia will be going out soon.
Just curious on the new Level 1 EVSE cable you bought, is that an original Kia one or one from another source?
I bought it from Amazon.
Here is the link:

The reason I chose this one is because it has an extensive diagnostic reporting system.
It will indicate 5 types of errors. I thought this would be helpful in the event the problem was actually my wiring, which it turned out not to be.
I wonder if there is something that the Kia charger is sensing and not liking that this one doesn't? Maybe minimum voltage limit?
notfred said:
I wonder if there is something that the Kia charger is sensing and not liking that this one doesn't? Maybe minimum voltage limit?

Possibly but that is a problem.
I had a Volt that I charged for three years with no problem.
It maybe overly sensitive. I guess I will eventually get this one replaced and find out then.
I will keep this Amazon one though as a good replacement. Has a nice long cable.