Socalgal said:
However, I don't think we are talking about the same thing. The EMF (electro-magnetic field) that causes my health symptoms is measured in milligauss not kHz.
I understood correctly the first time.
Radiating device emit magnetic pulse signal.
Pulse signal from the EV is not the same than the mobile phone device.
But it's the same as microwave toaster and radar and wifi (MHz-GHz range, 15dB per meter in USA, 11dB per meter in Europe).
Radar and mobile phone don't have faraday cage.
EV and microwave toaster have faraday cage.
EMF signals of an electric car are often confused with those we hear when making music (children and adolescents more hear that people over 30 years).
It's the frequency range from 15 kHz to 18 kHz (19 to 20 kHz can be hear at very quiet environnment like in theater and with regulary source test to identify this range).
That's why i explain that Kia Soul EV emit high frequency
noise first (not EMF) to keep focus your mind in this direction.
I heard this (but i force myself not to hear, and it's not a problem for me, i use regulary brushless motor with PWM square signal or high regulate sinus signal, same noise is heard depend on the power current applied).
That why i recommend you to use a hearing aid to suppress the 15-20 kHz range ... and see if better body reaction is seen.
Use this video to test your sensibility to this, specific range close your ear-drum or causes specific reaction in the head (specialy from the 8kHz range to 11kHz).