Setting up Torque to show BMS data

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The Kia Ray EV shares most of the same OBC codes and the same BMS.
Here's a Kia Ray EV charging at 13A 220V


JejuSoul said:
The Kia Ray EV shares most of the same OBC codes and the same BMS.
Here's a Kia Ray EV charging at 13A 220V

In addition, LDC is exactly identical.
I also saw VCMU, but it looks quite different. Response from VCMU is very short. I'll post it later.
work on DASH organization (v103).
move cells values at the end (right) of the torque panels (to liberate free space for others gauges on the middle).
change and add gauges on MCU Temp/HeatSink Temp panel to integrate the other temp gauges.
remove temp gauges from the "simple test command" with circle gauges.

add CSV modification (v10) from github deposit.
rename CCL = Max REGEN.
rename DCL = Max POWER.
SoulEV2016 said:
rename CCL = Max REGEN.
rename DCL = Max POWER.

Yes, those two acronyms CCL and DCL do seem awkward.
Their meaning is specific though.
Maximum charge current as a charge current limit (CCL)
Maximum discharge current as a discharge current limit (DCL)

see -
JejuSoul said:
Some additional codes from the BMS - none seem very useful. The Drive Motor Speeds are both the same value. They are also the same as the VMCU Drive Motor RPM above. But these two are rounded to the nearest 100rpm.


JejuSoul said:
One corrected code in the VMCU. The Drive Motor RPM is signed. When the car is going in reverse you have a negative value.

003_VMCU Motor Actual Speed RPM,Speed rpm,2102,(Signed(J)*256)+I,-5000,5000,rpm,7E2

OK, checked.

Check for the 3 PIDs of the 12v line : Labels are OK to see the differents between source and storage.

change max LDC power to 1100 on the CSV.


rename OBC temp 1-2-3 :

002_OBC heatsink,OBC heatsink,2102,Signed(S),-40,80,C,794
002_Inside OBC,Inside OBC,2102,Signed(T),-40,80,C,794
002_Water Temp,Water Temp,2102,Signed(U),-40,80,C,794

SoulEV2016 said:
JejuSoul said:
One corrected code in the VMCU. The Drive Motor RPM is signed. When the car is going in reverse you have a negative value.

Can you have the same solution for the TORQUE values (pass in 65535 when the regenerative brake is applied).

OK, perfect.


add tags on LDC for gauges.
add tag on BMS resistance.
add tag on BMS Capacitor, change max voltage range.

004_DC_Current_Out,LDC AmpsOut,2101,g,0,80,A,7C5
004_DC_Voltage_Out,LDC VoltsOut,2101,f/10,0.0,14.6,V,7C5
004_DC_Voltage_In,LDC VoltsIn,2101,h*2,0,403,V,7C5

000_Isolation Resistance,Surge Resistance,2101,((bf<8)+bg),0,1000,kOhm,7E4

000_Inverter Capacitor Voltage,BMS Capacitor,2101,((az<8)+ba)/10,0.0,50.0,V,7E4
Question :

000_Inverter Capacitor Voltage,BMS Capacitor,2101,((az<8)+ba)/10,0.0,50.0,V,7E4

it's really divised by 10 at the end ?
it's the low voltage supply for the command of the BMS (from a step-down circuit inside the BMS, right) ?

JejuSoul said:
SoulEV2016 said:
rename CCL = Max REGEN.
rename DCL = Max POWER.

Yes, those two acronyms CCL and DCL do seem awkward.
Their meaning is specific though.
Maximum charge current as a charge current limit (CCL)
Maximum discharge current as a discharge current limit (DCL)

see -

Do you agree to change this or do you prefer to follow a logic?
I ask your opinion on this question ... as on that of the OBC names.

I can display other names in the DASH file than the CSV file but ... if the member delete the PIDs and keep the DASH, the gauges use the names inside the CSV/PIDs when the member charge the CSV in the PIDs section of TORQUE PRO.
priusfan said:
It seems CCL & DCL are ok using the formulae here under
000_Available Charge Power,CCL,2101,((F<8)+G)/100,0,100,KW,7E4
000_Available Discharge Power,DCL,2101,((H<8)+I)/100,0,100,KW,7E4
The naming of CCL & DCL was done by priusfan on the first page of this thread.
But these values are not currents in Amps. They are power in kW.
I agree with your renaming
rename CCL = Max REGEN.
rename DCL = Max POWER.
SoulEV2016 said:
Question :
000_Inverter Capacitor Voltage,BMS Capacitor,2101,((az<8)+ba)/10,0.0,50.0,V,7E4
it's really divided by 10 at the end ?
No. that is just a copy paste error. I copied the formula from the voltage for the main battery which is divided by 10.
These corrected / updated codes have been added to github. -
000_Available Charge Power,Max REGEN,2101,((f<8)+g)/100,0,98,kW,7E4
000_Available Discharge Power,Max POWER,2101,((h<8)+i)/100,0,98,kW,7E4
000_Inverter Capacitor Voltage,BMS Capacitor,2101,((az<8)+ba),0,500,V,7E4
000_Isolation Resistance,Surge Resistance,2101,((bf<8)+bg),0,1000,kOhm,7E4
004_DC_Current_Out,LDC AmpsOut,2101,g,0,80,A,7C5
004_DC_Voltage_Out,LDC VoltsOut,2101,f/10,0.0,14.6,V,7C5
004_DC_Voltage_In,LDC VoltsIn,2101,h*2,0,403,V,7C5

Is this the list complete?
Rename to enter in a tiny gauge (resistance = resistor) :

000_Isolation Resistance,Surge Resistor,2101,((bf<8)+bg),0,1000,kOhm,7E4

Change MAX LDC power from 1000 to 1100w.

Rename OBC Temp 1-2-3 in OBC2015 & OBC2016 :

002_OBC temp heatsink,OBC heatsink,2102,Signed(S),-40,80,C,794
002_OBC temp inside,OBC inside,2102,Signed(T),-40,80,C,794
002_OBC Temp water,OBC Water,2102,Signed(U),-40,80,C,794
Changes pushed to github -

This PID name - Battery Cell Voltage Deviation - appears in the GDS readout for both the Soul EV and the Ray EV.
We have never verified a PID for this. Perhaps it is just Max Cell Voltage - Min Cell Voltage and is calculated on the fly.

There is a place for this though. It might be - what do you think.
Looking at my data it doesn't seem right.

000_ Battery Cell Voltage Deviation,Voltage Deviation,2105,u,0,5,V,7E4

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