Setting up Torque to show BMS data

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JejuSoul said:
@ZuinigeRijder: Have updated the list on the first page with the 4 values you suggested. Thanks. I changed Battery Energy to Battery Power. (kW is power, kWh is energy). I also corrected a typo in the Battery Current which had its unit wrongly listed as Ah not A.
Thanks for fixing this.

JejuSoul said:
@2soul: I like your Torque display. What theme do you use? May I put this image on the first page of this thread.
I think he uses the "blue transparent theme", which you can select in the Themes list. I also have selected this one now.

JejuSoul said:
AFAIK Torque is not going to be able to track data such as recuperation energy in real time. For that you need to use OVMS. It is already working.
Or to save logfiles and calculate results later in programs such as excel.

Some Widgets remember the Min and Max values, so inside a custom Widget this could be used to compute Delta energy and other stuff. Also plugins can be made, which has access to all the PIDS, including the external, according to the Wiki page of Torque Pro. I will investigate further what can be done.
The TPMS functionality seems to be working for those who are using the original tires, and not for those who have swapped tires.
Similar problems have also been been discussed on the German OVMS thread here -
I guess you have the same problem as I do: Your TPMS-sensors aren't registered with the car. Alex had the same problem until he got the sensors registered properly. I hope my winter tires will work. Otherwise I need to take a trip to the car dealer and make them fix it now.
Can users who have changed the tires comment on how the TPMS sensors are updated.
I am playing around with setting up Torque Pro with a Kia Soul EV background. I use my phone in landscape mode and have put it right were I can charge it (in the spare space below the EV button, using this:


  • The front tires are colder than the back tires, maybe by the wind cooling?
    The widget to show a graphic about the kW power is nice, you can see the regenerative braking in real time the last 10 seconds.
    The SOC display shows that I started with 62% and was 49% at the screenshot.
    The Delta KW is the Cumulative Energy Charged minus Cumulative Energy Discharged.

For me the battery deterioration is going up and down since I have the OBDII dongle.

  • Max Deterioration % is going from 11.6 to 11.1 to 13.4 and back to 10.2 today.
    Min Deterioration % is going from 10 to 9.6 to 11.1 and back to 8.2 today.

Always use a normal charger at work, I believe 3.6 kW max, and now and then my home charger @ 2 kW.
JejuSoul said:
The TPMS functionality seems to be working for those who are using the original tires, and not for those who have swapped tires.

I'm very surprised but it's true that I changed my tyres, does it mean that when a tyre is flat with no pressure the battery inside the TPMS sensor is not active anymore and lost the ID which should be hard configured ? or does the TPMS sensor think that there is a flat tyre then it still in default mode until a dealer action to reactivate it ?

Other way is that I had a fan replacement then 12V battery has been disconnected, may be it cleared the TPMS module memory ?

I will test tonight if I underpressure the tyre if I have the TPMS alert on the cluster.
Test has been made to low pressure th etyre, warning TPMS lamp was on and after good pressure Warning TPMS lamp was off then TPMS still working after tyre change, no problem !

Test has been made on another french Soul EV with original tyres and torque TPMS does'nt work too.
...Test has been made ...torque TPMS does'nt work.
Thanks for testing. It does work on my car. I will ask on the German OVMS thread to see if they have any answers.
My SOUL EV is build 04/2015 and received 09/2015 with antitheft system for charging cable then it is 2nd generation.

Does it work for you on a first generation 2014 (without antitheft charging cable system) model or in late 2015 model too ? because may be there is different generation for TPMS sensor ?
My SOUL EV is build 04/2015 and received 09/2015 with anti-theft system for charging cable then it is 2nd generation. Does it work for you on a first generation 2014 (without anti theft charging cable system) model or in late 2015 model too ? because may be there is different generation for TPMS sensor ?
How do you know the build month? On the plaque on the driver's door my car has the build year but not month. But I think my car is 05/2015 (without anti theft charging cable system). The last 4 numbers of the VIN are '...4294'. This should tell you whether yours is built later than mine. I got one reply from the German forum. Its a car in Switzerland bought in 11/2015
I do not have any problems to get the values...and yes within some meters to drive first...It was running with my summer tires and also with my new and never programmed winter tire (rims with new TPMS sensors) (without relearning or so).
The recommended tire pressure on the plaque on the driver's door is 230kPa. I like this value more than 2.3 bars but kPa is not included as a default setting in Torque so I probably won't use it unless someone else asks for it.
Pifoukia just sent me a log from a trial for TPMS.
I found why it doesnot work for him:
He is using an OBDLINK LX and with this device, he recieves only the first frame of the full message
"05/02/2016 16:02:29",7D6 02 21 06 00 00 00 00 00 
"05/02/2016 16:02:29",7DE 10 22 61 06 01 34 12 4F
That means, he gets only the first 4 bytes.
The device doesnot consider 7D6 as a standard CAN message (only from 7E0 to 7E7) so it doesnot generate a CFC (Continuation Frame Control)...

I will try to contact the Torque's developer to find a solution...
We need to write a plugin for Torque for the SoulEV. The plugin can take exclusive control of the CANBus dongle and do raw messages. I'm happy to help with coding the protocol, I'm a C programmer by day, but I've no idea of how to build an Android app or do the GUI.
priusfan said:
The device doesnot consider 7D6 as a standard CAN message (only from 7E0 to 7E7) so it doesnot generate a CFC (Continuation Frame Control)

I confirm, I just tested again with a 5$ basic ebay ELM327 blue adapter and tyre pressure is OK, problem comes from the OBDlink LX firmware which has to be updated, I will contact OBDLink with priusfan technical informations to obtain asap a new firmware update for KIA SOUL EV :)
notfred said:
We need to write a plugin for Torque for the SoulEV.
Eventually I hope the SoulSpy app will replace the need for Torque. Progress on that seems to have stalled however. Prior to that I think more hacking of the Canbus is needed. Finding the codes that stop/start charging or climate control are what would make an app really useful. Think UVO replacement.
I think that a new interesting PID to identify could be the brake détection to know when the brakes of the car are working when electric engine brake is not enough.
I do not know much about CAN. Maybe it helps if we talk more about the contents of the spreadsheet of CAN decoding:

According to the comments in tab "OBD PIDS", the different CAN's are found at (first one is the one you select in Torque Pro):
771	779	SJB
794	79C	OBC
7A0	7A8	BCM
7D1	7D9	
7D2	7DA	
7D5	7DD	

In the VMCU data tab, it shows already detected data, e.g.

10	0E	61	1	F0	0	0	0
21	Unknown	Unknown	Unknown	Unknown	"Unknown
Accel Pedal related"	Accel Pedal Depth (%x2)	Vehicle speed (km/h)
22	0

So in Torque Pro we could show the Vehicle speed, using header 7E2 for selecting the VMCU, issue mode 2101 and select the vehicle speed column?
Actually, I did not yet try.
I've got Torque Pro working now and I get some nice values. However, there are more that I would like. For example, the "Battery Power/Energy Draw" widget will show the entire consumption (or regenerating) combined. So when you are not driving it might show 2kW energy being used because the heater is on. On the display console of the car this is split into three. Do we already know how to get these three values separately?

The default "Speed OBD" widget or "RPM" widgets don't work either.

I have after market winter tires with "generic" sensors and I do get the pressure and temperature of the tires. I do know the garage (not the Kia one, but a local all brands garage) did spend quite some time before they were able to the the car to recognise my new tires. I thought the would learn the same ID code in the generic sensor set, but apparently they took another route. I don't have any more info on the exact things they did.

As other people found out already the SOC BMS and SOC display differ. In my car they converge towards each other and starting from 25% the are synchronised. I did not drive my car much after that before I had to charge again so I don't know if after that the SOC Display will become lower than the SOC BMS.
Here's some new values to show the current, voltage and power going in to the On Board Charger while charging, when a J1772 plug is connected.


, On Board C_harger OBC data for Kia Soul EV using Torque Pro
, available when the J_1772 Cord is connected
, always turn off the car before plugging/unplugging the cord
Name,ShortName,ModeAndPID,Equation,Min Value,Max Value,Units,Header
002_Normal Charge Port,Slow C_harger,2101,{j:5},0,1,,7E4
002_Rapid Charge Port,FastC_harger,2101,{j:6},0,1,,7E4
These value seem to work but I have had some errors while testing the Charge Port on/off setting. I will post a writeup of the errors in the SoulSpy thread.
The Charge Port on/off setting is on when the cord is plugged in to the car regardless of whether the cord is plugged in to a charger or not.
Edit: Typo corrected in ChargePower
JejuSoul said:
Here's some new values to show the current, voltage and power going in to the On Board Charger while charging when a J1772 plug is connected.

I think the last line should be more like this:
Typo in Charge Power has been corrected - thanks.

Viewing the data for a Chademo connection is already available via the BMS.
Chademo does not use the On Board Charger, it charges the battery directly.

It was interesting to see all 3 sets of data during the L2 charge in the screenshot I showed above.
The L2 charger is rated 7.2 kW and 32A. The screen on the charger just has time and total energy input.
After 1 hour it was showing 7.2kWh
The OBC data shown in the screenshot above is showing the input power as 7.0 kW, 31A, 220V.
This stayed fairly constant for the first hour.
The BMS data I looked at was Battery Current, Battery Voltage and Battery Power. This shows what is coming out of the OBC and going into the battery. The Current was about -16A. The Voltage was about 396V. These values fluctuated. Obviously the voltage increases as you charge the battery, but it seemed less stable than the OBC. However the car was on and I was using some heating.
The following formula works for Charge Power:


Here is a screenshot when charging with the portable charging cable in my home outlet (it charges with 2 kW).


At work I measured charging with 16A, so 3.7 kW.

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