Setting up Torque to show BMS data

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Here are those 3 new codes adapted for the Soul EV.
I haven't tested them yet. So they are not on github yet.

000_Total Battery kWh,Total Batt KW,2105,((af/2)*27)/100,0,27,kWh,7E4
000_Remain Charge Battery,Remain Charge Batt,2101,(27-val{000_Total Battery KW}),0,27,kWh,794
000_Remain Charge Time,Remain Charge Time,2101,(-val{000_Remain Charge Battery}/val{000_Battery Power})*60,0,600,mins,794

I think these must have been written before some of the extra gauges were added. I think 004_CALC Instant Remaining kWh probably gives a better reading. Please comment on whether these are useful and / or accurate.
000_Total Battery kWh,Total Batt KW,2105,((af/2)*27)/100,0,27,kWh,7E4

"af" is the SOC Display.

000_State of Charge Display,SOC Display,2105,af/2,0.0,100.0,%,7E4

So, this formula is not really usefull because the alternate CALC formula use the deterioration of battery during the drive and add the hidded "10% bonus for first owner of the car".

004_CALC AVRDET For SOH,Lost SOH,2101,10-val{004_CALC AVRDET},-100.0,10.0,%,7E2
004_CALC Lost of SOH,Lost SOH,2101,27*val{004_CALC AVRDET For SOH Divided 100},0.00,27.00,kWh,7E2
004_CALC SOH Battery in kWh,SOH in kWh,2101,27+val{004_CALC Lost of SOH},0.00,31.00,kWh,7E2

10 on the first formula is the 10% bonus of the new battery with 0 km.
Checked by 3 cars in the ageing battery thread (with SOH and DET reading).
Certified by 2 others cars after passed the 12% of DET = 2% losed on SOH (GDS Kia console).

The conclusion :

yes, we already have a better PIDs for this, based on BMS range + DETerioration of battery + 10% bonus :

004_CALC Instant Remaining kWh,MAX kWh,2101,val{004_CALC SOH Battery in kWh}*val{000_State of Charge BMS}/100,0,30,kWh,7E2


000_Remain Charge Battery,Remain Charge Batt,2101,(27-val{000_Total Battery KW}),0,27,kWh,794

Same answer for this formula that she don't introduce the DETerioration of the battery.
000_Remain Charge Time,Remain Charge Time,2101,(-val{000_Remain Charge Battery}/val{000_Battery Power})*60,0,600,mins,794

This is good.

I can use that because i want 2 gauges for my 2014-2015-2016 Kia Soul EV that it STOP at 84% (90kW max) and 94% (22kW max, usually ... based on the voltage goal) on a chademo charger.

The first gauge indicate the time before reach the 84% = fast charge
The second gauge anticipate the time of the 94% level = medium charge

In my country, fast charge is more expensive than medium charge (the connector is not the same and the car must LEAVE the fast charge parking after unplug).

And a gauge for a 100% charge with Type 1 regular 6,6kW charger, of course, for the remaining charge time :
- 1st gauge = 84% SOC Display (80% SOC BMS)
- 2st gauge = 94,5% SOC Display (90% SOC BMS)
- 3st gauge = 100% SOC Display (95% SOC BMS)

:idea: I will use the BMS range to do this, more precision, more stable time value over SOC Display.

:idea: i will use the rapid/normal charge marker to activate/disable the gauge (disable 100% gauge with rapid charge is ON, disable 0-84 and 84-94 gauge when normal charge is ON).
Ok, it's a beginning ... but i don't know how i can "predict" an end of charge time when the power goes down ... :mrgreen:
Specially with a powerfull fast charge (above 50kW).
Perhaps with a 22kw DC charger, it's more stable ?

This GIF is for the 47% to 84% SOC Display.

This GIF is for the 84% to 94% SOC Display.

Check the clock on the top left :

START = 21h26 - PREDICTION = 13min
END = 21h44 - RESULT = +5min

PREDICTION for 84-94 at 84% = 16min <<------ It's true !!!!

START = 21h45 - PREDICTION = 7,5min
END = 21h59 - RESULT = +5min

004_CALC SOC before 84,from 5 to 84,2101,0.800-(val{000_State of Charge BMS}/100),0.000,0.750,,7E2
004_CALC SOC before 94,from 84 to 94,2101,0.900-(val{000_State of Charge BMS}/100),0.000,0.100,,7E2
004_CALC SOC before 100,from 5 to 100,2101,0.950-(val{000_State of Charge BMS}/100),0.000,0.090,,7E2

004_CALC Instant Remaining Charge Time before 84,Wait for 84%,2101,val{002_Rapid Charge Port}*(val{004_CALC SOH Battery in kWh}*0.800*val{004_CALC SOC before 84})/ABS(val{000_Battery Power})*60,0.0,1620.0,min,7E2
004_CALC Instant Remaining Charge Time before 94,Wait for 94%,2101,val{002_Rapid Charge Port}*(val{004_CALC SOH Battery in kWh}*0.900*val{004_CALC SOC before 94})/ABS(val{000_Battery Power})*60,0.0,1620.0,min,7E2
004_CALC Instant Remaining Charge Time before 100,Wait for 100%,2101,val{002_Normal Charge Port}*(val{004_CALC SOH Battery in kWh}*0.950*val{004_CALC SOC before 100})/ABS(val{000_Battery Power})*60,0.0,1620.0,min,7E2

004_CALC Average Remaining Charge Time before 84,Wait 84% (10s),2101,AVG(5:val{004_CALC Instant Remaining Charge Time before 84}),0.0,1620.0,min,7E2
004_CALC Average Remaining Charge Time before 94,Wait 94% (10s),2101,AVG(5:val{004_CALC Instant Remaining Charge Time before 94}),0.0,1620.0,min,7E2
004_CALC Average Remaining Charge Time before 100,Wait 100% (10s),2101,AVG(5:val{004_CALC Instant Remaining Charge Time before 100}),0.0,1620.0,min,7E2

If someone can test with the 100% on the OBC ... i use the 1,1kW setting and the time is exotic (at the best).
13h40 indicated by Kia and 18h by the formula of Torque Pro.
OK, i finish now, the slow charge of night and the time is the same on torque pro (with the formula) than the time on the Kia dashboard ! :cool:

35min more to wait and it's a completed job.

I will add a gauge in hours (for now, i have only minutes gauges) for the 100% normal charge for customers like me that they charge at slow rate (or with the official EVSE provide with the car). ;)

Result for normal charge, gauge named "wait 100% (10s)" :

OK, hours gauge for 100% tested.

004_CALC Instant Remaining Charge hours before 100,hours for 100%,2101,val{002_Normal Charge Port}*(val{004_CALC SOH Battery in kWh}*0.950*val{004_CALC SOC before 100})/ABS(val{000_Battery Power}),0.0,30.0,hours,7E2

004_CALC Average Remaining Charge hours before 100,for 100% (10s),2101,AVG(5:val{004_CALC Instant Remaining Charge hours before 100}),0.0,30.0,hours,7E2

Update CSV-DASH v11 (PIDs)

- Kia_Soul_EV_Extra_gauges_v07 :
--- remove 1 space in short description for Batt AvgT (before this name) -SoulEV2016-
--- add formulas for charge time prediction in Chademo mode (Fast charge) in minutes gauges -SoulEV2016 based on JejuSoul idea-
--- add formulas for charge time estimation in normal charge in minutes and hours gauges -SoulEV2016-
mirror =

- DASH all v114 :
--- remove clock in Chademo charge panel
--- remove SOC Display on Chademo charge panel
--- add remaining charge time in minute for 84% goal in Chademo charge panel
--- add remaining charge time in minute for 94% goal in Chademo charge panel
--- move pilot duty gauge on the right in OBC charge panel
--- add remaining charge time in minute for 100% goal in OBC charge panel
--- add all new 4 gauges to validate readings in Test panel (will be removed on the next release of the DASH if no problems with others cars or formulas).
--- note : the formulas don't work properly when car is OFF because of a restricted CanBUS with active OBC or Chademo in use. After start the charge, activate the CAR to read the good values for formulas (004_CALC PIDs).
mirror =

- GIF for DASH all v114 :
- helping users to reconstruct the board of Torque Pro after import layout (DASH file).

Nice graphic from German I oniq user. Car starts at 100% SOC on top of small hill. Recuperates on the way down. and increases the batteries voltage.

Concerning the remaining time, there is another information to know : If you stop the chademo charge at 82.5% , when you launch again the charge, it starts at 50A instead of 25A (approximatly) and continue to 94% without the 84% stop. then time calculation in this case will probably be false. It's a way I often use to earn some minutes when charging.
JejuSoul said:
Two codes that don't appear to work
003_VMCU Instant Driving Efficiency,Fuel Efficiency,2101,ABS(val{000_Battery Power})/val{003_VMCU Real Vehicle Speed},0,90,kWh/100km,7E2
003_VMCU Instant Driving Efficiency2,Fuel Efficiency2,2101,val{003_VMCU Real Vehicle Speed}/ABS(val{000_Battery Power}),0,90,km/kWh,7E2

They work, but it seems they are off somewhat depending on your speed. At low speeds this formula shows much better efficiency than the cars display, at high speed the cars display shows most efficient, at normal road speeds (80 kmh) they sort of match . Does the cars display factor other stuff in?
If someone can find the PIDs for :

- temperature sensor displayed on dashboard
- ODOmeter (kilometer/miles)

The B olt EV also has codes for Torque Pro. The GM V olt and GM B olt have the same codes

The list is here -
It is not the same BMS as the Hyundai/Kia one we use.

An example by Bro1999 here - Fast charging experiences with the Bolt

SoulEV2016 said:
...can you add the address to your signature ? :idea:
Great idea. Done. Well I did my best. No URLs allowed in the signature, so I used the website setting instead.
SoulEV2016 said:
Rename (short for tiny gauge, Feedback = SPD and Status = MOD) Batt Fan values :
000_Battery Fan Status,Batt Fan MOD,2101,ab,0,9,,7E4
000_Battery Fan Feedback,Batt Fan SPD,2101,ac,0,120,Hz,7E4
Have updated the Github repo to use these shorter names.
I am using a new PID for average cell voltage. Will test it for a few days and then add it to the repo unless anyone objects.
000_Average Cell Voltage,Avg Cell V,2101,val{000_Battery DC Voltage}/96,2.8,4.2,V,7E4
Am also testing some shortened display names.
000_Maximum Cell Voltage,Max Cell V,2101,x/50,2.8,4.2,V,7E4
000_Minimum Cell Voltage,Min Cell V,2101,z/50,2.8,4.2,V,7E4
000_Battery Cell Voltage Deviation,V Diff,2105,u/50,0.00,0.50,V,7E4
I would like to say thanks for the effort put in to generate these custom PIDs
I find the info especially TPMS really useful.
Why KIA only provided a TPMS dash warning light beats me when real time info is available.

only one problem with Torque is I wish there was a GUI based Dash editor!

I use an old HP touchpad for Torque and many of the icons are so off the screen I can only see the edges and can't drag them back into view :(
Hyundai Ioniq have TPMS on dashboard.

Perhaps, the revised Kia Soul EV (with emergency features and adaptative cruise control) and auto-park (like ICE model) ... will have this indicator.


hint for DASH gauges (import) : use an other phone (with more pixels) and drag gauges on good place ... and then, export the DASH to your old phone.

In french forum, a member have used his tablet ... and then, export to phone the good gauges.
Manufacturers are tending to remove TPMS readouts. I suspect that they are worried about liability if a TPMS sensor isn't very accurate.

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