Using the State of Charge Gauge

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Supporting Member
Jan 19, 2015
Long Beach, CA
My GOM is unpredictable and so I plan to use the State-of-Charge gauge as the visible reference for the Batt..

I wonder if the gauge is "linear"; that is, if the 18 lines represent equal share of the battery charge ? That is , if each line represent 5.5% of charge?

That would mean that the last 3 lines (red) indicate` 17% of charge.
You're better off just using the direct % SoC reading from the car, under the EV screen. No counting, no guessing. This is what I use and I keep this screen up all the time when I drive.
Kish said:
You're better off just using the direct % SoC reading from the car, under the EV screen. No counting, no guessing. This is what I use and I keep this screen up all the time when I drive.

Recently logged 12 different trips, all about 75 miles, using the SOC % and trip odometer miles .
My average; mileage/SOC % = 1.11mi/%.
Started the trips with SOC=100%. Trips were mostly mixed freeway and local streets, about 75% freeway. Climate was mild SoCal. Freeway speed was limited to 62 mph, mostly on cruise control. SOC at end of trips averaged 33%, +/-10.
About as good as it gets.