Well-known member
I live in a more rural area North of Seattle. There are actually quite a few chargers around, some free and some not, but not a lot of them offer quick charging. Some of the ones that do offer two ways of paying. You can get a monthly subscription for $20 a month or pay each visit which is $7.95, regardless of how long you actually use the charger. So if you just want to top it off before a long stretch and need a 15 minute charge to get you to 80% it still costs you almost $8. After the 60 month free period, the chargers that use the nrg Evo card costs $4.95 PLUS .02 cents per minute. That can add up fast for a 30 minute charge. Is charging more affordable in other places/states? I haven't used a quick charger yet since I charge at home each night, but I'd like to take the Soul a little farther than we did with the Focus because it didn't have the DC port. (One of the reasons we didn't lease another one). I'm hoping it's more affordable other places and will come down once there are more chargers.