Setting up Torque to show BMS data

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Elmil said:
002_OBC_Pilot_Duty_Cycle,Pilot_Duty,2102,r/3,0,86,A %,794
002_OBC Temp 1,OBC Temp 1,2102,s,0,255,C,7E2 794
002_OBC Temp 2,OBC Temp 2,2102,t,0,255,C,7E2 794
002_OBC Temp 3,OBC Temp 3,2102,u,0,255,C,7E2 794

correction in only for 2016 (794) and 2015 stay with (7E2) ?
Elmil said:
Also, I consider the unknown values to be 16 bits even in OBC v1 (i.e only 1 unknown there, 16 bits), hence the unknown2 has been inserted before the unknown 1 for OBC v2..
As an 8 bit value OBC unknown 2 fluctuated just above 220 during charging. The charging voltage showed 217V. I was guessing this might show peak voltage. OBC unknown 1 did not fluctuate. It just stayed at 18.

SoulEV2016 said:
correction in only for 2016 (794) and 2015 stay with (7E2) ?
No, all needed correcting.
Result on OBC2016_v2 (only 794 correction)


Result for average value on remaining kilometer & minutes available to drive.
Good, negative value with regeneration is not take on count ...

First picture (37°C to 23°C) is after unplugged the charger from 1h of charge and drive 500 meters.
Outside temperature is +4°C.


CSV v7 :
- update OBC2015 & 2016 (Elmil & JejuSoul) with 3 temperatures sensors, Pilot Duty and linked Current restriction.
- remove OBC Efficienty in Extra_Data_v3.csv
- add AVERAGE formulas for "remaining kilometer" and "remaining minutes" before 5% displayed on SOC Battery (you have "instant" and "10s filter" and "30s filter" and "60s filter" in 004_CALC choices).

Kia_Soul_EV_Battery_Cell_data.csv - Kia_Soul_EV_BMS_data.csv
Kia_Soul_EV_Extra_data_v3.csv - Kia_Soul_EV_Extra_gauges_v2.csv
Kia_Soul_EV_OBC2015_v2_data.csv - Kia_Soul_EV_OBC2016_v2_data.csv
Kia_Soul_EV_TPMS_data.csv - Kia_Soul_EV_VMCU_data.csv

Mirror (all-in-ZIP) :

DASH all v73 :
- add OBC Liquid sensor and OBC inside sensor and EVSE PWM Pilot command and LIMIT Current (EVSE)
- change "instant" to 10s filtered values on "MAX Km" and "MAX Min" (range before 5% on SOC Battery)
Mirror (ZIP) :

Example of the average formula with a change of speed.
60s filter is usefull in Town, 10s filter is usefull on Highroad.


60s is great for sport drive ... :mrgreen: ... or mountain ?
We can figure to test that on this week.

SoulEV2016, which Android device do you use to create the dashboard? When importing it to my phone (Nexus 5X) it's all messed up. I guess I would have to move the icons by hand, but I bet it may actually be easier to re-generate the layout entirely. It's like if Torque don't handle the different DPI very well.

Chinese phone, IPS LCD de 4,7 pouces (720 x 1280 pixels).

We have a discussion with the author of Torque Pro for this problem ... but it not has finding solution since this.
After DASH import, you must move the gauges for your screen dimension (and resolution).
Here are some new codes for the Low-Voltage DC-DC Converter.
It charges the 12V auxiliary battery.
I did a quick test ,VoltsOut=14.5V, AmpsOut=10A - These look correct.
VoltsIn=350V, LDC Temp=14C - seems believable.
Thanks Elmil for reporting on these in the SoulSpy thread.
What do you get when you test these - have I coded them the right way?

, Low-Voltage DC-DC Converter LDC data for Kia Soul EV using Torque Pro
Name,ShortName,ModeAndPID,Equation,Min Value,Max Value,Units,Header
004_LDC Temp 1,LDC Temp 1,2101,i-100,-100,155,C,7C5
JejuSoul said:
Here are some new codes for the Low-Voltage DC-DC Converter.
It charges the 12V auxiliary battery.
I did a quick test ,VoltsOut=14.5V, AmpsOut=10A - These look correct.
VoltsIn=350V, LDC Temp=14C - seems believable.
Thanks Elmil for reporting on these in the SoulSpy thread.
What do you get when you test these - have I coded them the right way?

, Low-Voltage DC-DC Converter LDC data for Kia Soul EV using Torque Pro
Name,ShortName,ModeAndPID,Equation,Min Value,Max Value,Units,Header
004_LDC Temp 1,LDC Temp 1,2101,i-100,-100,155,C,7C5
It looks good to me, although I don't have Torque to test myself..

SoulEV2016 said:
OBC Temp 3 is a part of VMCU because it's unavailable without the proximity of smartkey.
This made me think about the way Torque probes for the data. I have noticed that in the Torque files the address header is always given by, for example, 794 in the case of OBC, and not 79C which is what I use in my logger software. Maybe Torque just uses a receive filter to collect messages already sent on the CAN bus, while I probe the controller directly. That way I always get the VMC data, regardless if the key is present or not.
have you a powered OBD2 reader ? (real USB or RS232/USB box)

probable detection of this by the CanBUS can invalidate the 12v standby that we observe with a bluetooth OBD2 that it use the 12v of the CanBUS.


LDC code will be tested on this week (i don't know when because job is like that after all). ;)
Elmil said:
I have noticed that in the Torque files the address header is always given by, for example, 794 in the case of OBC, and not 79C which is what I use in my logger software. Maybe Torque just uses a receive filter to collect messages already sent on the CAN bus, while I probe the controller directly.
I think the opposite. To query an ECU you send a request, and get back a reply which is the request + 8.
The codes for the ECUs we are testing are
ECU           Send          Reply
VMCU          7E2          7EA
BMS             7E4          7EC
OBC             794          79C
LDC             7C5          7CD
TPMS          7D6          7DE
SoulEV201 said:
OBC Temp 3 is a part of VMCU because it's unavailable without the proximity of smartkey.
If we are sending a request to the OBC, then the reply must come from the OBC. If that heat sensor is only active when the VMCU is, then perhaps that sensor is connected to both ECUs. If so I would guess that is the heatsink temperature.

Elmil said:
Interesting news at OVMS ! New updated version 3.0 in Q1.
That's good news. My two year free UVO finishes in May 2017. That would be a great time to replace UVO with OVMS.
Have made 2 changes to the recent Torque codes.

In the file Kia Soul EV OBC data.csv I have removed the value for unknown2 and made a single sixteen bit unknown.
I did this after seeing the two 8 bit values increasing by 1 bit from 18 255 to 19 0. Clearly this is a single 16 bit value.
, On Board Charger OBC data for Kia Soul EV using Torque Pro v1
, available when the J1772 Cord is connected
, Version1: this is for 2014 and 2015 Soul EVs
Name,ShortName,ModeAndPID,Equation,Min Value,Max Value,Units,Header
002_Normal Charge Port,SlowCharger,2101,{j:5},0,1,,7E4
002_Rapid Charge Port,FastCharger,2101,{j:6},0,1,,7E4
002_OBC Temp 1,OBC Temp 1,2102,s,0,255,C,794
002_OBC Temp 2,OBC Temp 2,2102,t,0,255,C,794
002_OBC Temp 3,OBC Temp 3,2102,u,0,255,C,794
002_OBC_Efficiency,OBC_Efficiency,2102,ABS(val{000_Battery Power}/val{002_OBC_Charging_Power})*100,0,100,%,794

In the file Kia Soul EV LDC data.csv I have added a code for Low_Voltage_Power
Quite interesting to see the low power needed to run some of the electronics.
For example the steering wheel heater was only 50W.
, Low-Voltage DC-DC Converter LDC data for Kia Soul EV using Torque Pro
Name,ShortName,ModeAndPID,Equation,Min Value,Max Value,Units,Header
004_LDC Temp 1,LDC Temp 1,2101,i-100,-100,155,C,7C5

I'll run some more tests. See if I can get an equivalent list of the values for my Soul EV as done for the Tesla below.
Tesla Model S: Heating Elements & HVAC Power Consumption (Actual Numbers!)

Baseline (Vehicle at Rest but Powered up): 247Wh
Defroster (Rear Window & Side Mirrors CWP): 285Wh
Steering Wheel Heater: 95Wh
Heated Wipers & Nozzles: 95Wh
1 Seat Heater: 57Wh
2 Seat Heaters: 133Wh
3 Seat Heaters: 171Wh
4 Seat Heaters: 209Wh
:mrgreen: Tesla indicate a Wh value ... the component can be more powerfull than this (like 100w every 10s for a 10Wh indicated).

Heated seat on Soul EV work already like that : heated seat work better (fast !) in Accessory Mode than DRIVE Mode.


Test of LDC planned on saturday.
I make the v8 CSV-Dash package in the same way if all work on my 2016 car.
Had another look at the data -

The code I posted yesterday 004_Low_Voltage_Power is also shown in the Navi.
It is the value marked 'electronics' in the electricity usage screen.
The values often differ by a few percent, but that is obvious because of the rounding error in our integer based data.

The next part is guesswork. I am not an electrical engineer.
I think the 2 unknown values in the OBC represent voltages. Possibly a peak voltage and a minimum voltage.
They are 9 bit values. So for now ignore the higher bits.
On my car subtract 4608 from unknown1 to get the peak voltage.

On a 2016 car subtract 4096 from unknown1 and 4608 from unknown2


If you think this is correct I will rewrite the code to multiply bit 9 by 256 and add the result to the lower 8 bits.
I don't know what the higher bits might be used for.
Thanks for the data, but I'm sorry, I don't see anything in my data that supports this.

Here is from the log from where I checked different charging settings of my EVSE cable:
SET	A/C volt	A/C amp	 2102=>21:5-6	9 bits
6A	230,6	 5,7			 12CB	4811		203
8A	229,3	 7,7			 12C8	4808		200
10A	228,5	9,3			 12AF	4783		175
12A	226,8	11,1		   12B5	4789		181
14A	227,3	12,5		   12AE	4782		174
16A	224,8	14,3		   12CB	4811		203
18A	223,1	16,7		   1332	4914		306

It's obvious that the unknown data is 16 bits, but still nothing we can relate to...

I might add that the "unknown1" value in my car seems very close to the same data from the MY16 car I borrowed at service a year ago, just pushed 2 bytes down by the "unknown2" data. (See OBC_DATA tab)
All my data points to an insert of the "unknown2" value in the MY16 OBC data just before the "my15" "unknown1" data. But they are still unknown..

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